Chapter 7

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"Zelena, I missed you," I said as I hugged my sister. She smiled, but quickly pulled away, because there were customers waiting. I didn't know what I'd expected on a Friday night.

She worked in a bar and it was stuffed tonight, as it was every other Friday. Robin and I were meeting up with some friends, but I had to say hello to Zelena first. Though we lived very near to one another, we barely hung out. She was busy at nights at the bar and I was working all day in my office.

"Missed you too, Regina, but there's tons of people waiting for me. How about we catch up later? At your party?"

I nodded and walked back to Robin. His friends had arrived in the meantime and I greeted them happily. "Will, Anastasia, long time no see," I said as I hugged them uncomfortably. I hadn't seen them in quite some time and I never knew how to properly greet such people, but I faked a smile to get me through it all.

"Regina, always a pleasure," Will said, with his funny accent. Anastasia and he had moved here quite a few years ago, from England, but their accents never left. It was so amusing to hear them talk.

We stood at a table, all with drinks in hand, making small talk. Robin had his arm wrapped around me and it felt rather good. Will and Robin owned the animal shelter and veterinary clinic together, so their conversation quickly turned work-related. Meanwhile, Anastasia had focused on me and we were discussing the latest political news in the world.

"Did you guys hear David Nolan cheated on Kathryn?" Will suddenly asked. He'd lowered his voice and had a slight smile on his lips. "With that tramp Mary Margaret. It's absolutely ridiculous."

"No, I didn't know, but it's not nice to talk about people that way," I said. I didn't want to give an impression as mayor to be judging my citizens, plus I understood the allure to cheat on someone. Not that I ever would, but I did imagine how it would be.

"Do you know why he cheated?" Robin asked and I raised my eyebrows at him. I didn't understand why we were continuing this conversation, but apparently, I didn't have a say in it. Anastasia looked at me with an expression on her face that told me she got me, but she didn't say anything.

"I think he got tired of his wife. Every day the same must get boring at some point. They weren't a very happy couple."

"Not like us," Robin said with a sweet smile on his lips, that actually warmed my heart. He looked at me and pulled me closer to him, kissing me gently. "I know I never have to worry about you cheating on me," he said, confidently.

"Why not?" Anastasia asked, curiously, and honestly, I was dying to know the same.

He shrugged and smiled. "Because I love her and she loves me," he said. "Plus, she could never get anyone better than me." He said it jokingly and I knew he didn't mean it, but some part of me still felt offended.

Right at that moment, my eyes caught perfect, blonde curls at the bar. I immediately recognized Emma and my heart started pounding louder. She was ordering a drink and smiling at the person next to her. It was a man, whose back was turned to me.

She was evidently flirting with him, stroking his thigh, and I couldn't help but feel jealousy creep up. It was ridiculous, especially because I was standing here with my husband's arm wrapped around my shoulder, but I really wished I was that man.

Perhaps I had developed feelings for her that didn't indicate friendship. It had all gone very quickly, I hadn't known her for more than a month, but I really liked her. I liked her in a way that made my heart pound furiously.

"Right, Regina?"

I snapped back to reality and turned my head to the people at my table. My cheeks heated up and I smiled awkwardly, hoping they hadn't seen be stare like that.

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