Chapter 17

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Robin's point of view.

I'd never been a religious guy, but if Hell existed, it was this place right here. It was disturbing in every possible way and I couldn't find words of just how much this all disgusted me. People actually went in this shop and bought equipment for.. them and their partners? It seemed surreal.

Oh, how I wished I'd never have to set foot in this freakish sex hole, but I had some things to discuss with its owner and Regina would notice if I went to Emma's apartment, I was sure. So, this was the only way.

"How much did she pay for you?" I asked the question before Emma had even looked at me - bad customer service, I'd already been in the shop for about ten seconds, but she was too occupied with fake.. that she didn't even bother to check who was entering her shop. Horrible woman. A horrible woman who stole my wife, turned her into a sex freak and tried to destroy our marriage.

Emma had an eyebrow raised. She looked at me in confusion and continued hanging phalluses on the wall. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

I approached her and cleared my throat, trying to gain dominance. She needed to know who was in control right now. It was me. She was going to listen to me, whether she wanted or not.

"Regina, how much did she pay for you?"

Emma turned to face me again and shrugged. "I don't know, she probably still has the receipt for dinner and.."

"That's not what I'm talking about," I interrupted her. "How much did she pay for you to have intercourse with her?"

Surprisingly enough, her facial expression didn't change. I'd expected to see some amount of guilt or tension, but she stayed calm. I hadn't been wrong, right? They had slept together, I was certain. I'd heard them through the walls and it definitely wasn't a movie.

"I'm not a prostitute," Emma said and grabbed a box from behind the counter. She walked to one of the shelves and started unpacking what seemed like squeezable stress balls in the shape of breasts. Horrifying.

"Oh, so she didn't pay you? What was it then? You dragged her to your shop, indoctrinated her with your filthy ideas and toys and figured you might as well engage in a sexual relationship now?"

The blonde woman sighed and shrugged. "Honestly, Robin, I've fucked a lot of people in my life and obviously your wife has crossed my mind. She's extraordinarily attractive and I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about bending her over her desk and fucking her, or throw her on the bed and climb on top of her. I'd enjoy that a lot. However, unfortunately for you and your little investigation, I never once touched your wife in a sexual manner. I don't do married people."

The look on her face was infuriating and the worst this was that she was starting to convince me. But I had to keep the truth in mind and truth was, she'd taken my wife and slept with her. I was certain those eight hundred dollars had gone to her and the sexual activities that had occurred, but I just needed solid proof.

"That smirk isn't going to last forever, Emma," I said and she shrugged again, while she continued filling up the shelves. "I'm sure you're aware our apartments are divided by very thin walls?"

Emma didn't bother to look at me, but I could see this comment hit her hard. She tried to hide it well, though. "I saw Regina enter your apartment and not long after I heard you two. You can deny it all you want, but there's no point in doing so."

She turned around and I was slightly taken aback by her expression. Her smirk had faded away and now she showed mere worry. A strange sense of pity crept up in me and I tried to push it down as well as I could. I was angry.

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