Chapter 21

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There were quite a few houses being sold in Storybrooke, but no matter how long I scrolled, I didn't find anything nearly as interesting as the first option. The last week I'd viewed two houses, but they didn't make me feel as home as the one I looked at with Emma.

I still lived with her and I loved it, but I feared she was getting tired of having someone invade her personal space for a while now. I didn't want to bother her much longer and so I figured I'd talk to my realtor and place an offer on the house. But, that could be postponed to tomorrow. My mind had been way too much into the entire house looking business the past hours and I needed a moment of calmness in my head, so I started staring at the wall.

"Are you still working? I thought you'd finished up in the office for today?" Emma came standing behind me and I looked up, while puckering my lips. She bent down to press hers against mine and I smiled briefly.

Emma placed her hands on my shoulder and I gestured that she could start massaging, because my muscles had become quite stiff from sitting still all day.

"Ooh, houses. Interesting," she said as she leaned over my shoulder to look at my laptop. "Dear, God, that is ridiculously expensive. Are you seriously considering this?"

I shook my head and clicked a few tabs away to get to the house I preferred most. 108, Mifflin Street. It was gorgeous when I'd visited it and it still was. I could totally picture myself there.

"Well, this one is much cheaper," Emma sarcastically quipped and I looked aside, only to see her cheek. I pressed my lips against her skin and smiled slightly.

"It'd surprise you how much you make as Storybrooke's mayor."

"I already knew you were rich," Emma said. "No sane person would spend four hundred dollars on sex toys for "fun". Meanwhile, you still haven't touched a single one."

I chuckled softly. "You weren't a fan of this house, were you?"

Emma shrugged, but didn't give away much more. It was clear, though, that she wasn't nearly as enthusiastic as I was. But, after all, it was my decision to make, because Emma didn't have to live there.

"It's so big, I think I'd feel too lonely. I already felt alone in this apartment, before you started temporarily living here," she confessed and I swallowed. I didn't think the size of my house had any influence on how alone I felt, but I did feel sorry for Emma. "But you love it, so you should go for it."

She kept quiet for a moment. "I'm going to miss you, though."

My eyebrows shot up. "You are?"

"Of course. Why are you so surprised? I loved having you here this past month."

It'd already been a month. In my head, the time had gone so much faster. Robin and I only had to wait a few more weeks, for our divorce to be finalized and I couldn't wait. I was very excited.

Emma and I had been sleeping together in the same bed for a month, still without anything more than kissing. The idea of Robin being able disturbed me too much to make me comfortable making a move on Emma. I did want to have sexual intercourse with her again, though, but not if I wasn't one hundred percent sure that Robin wasn't home.

And, though Emma had never expressed any disliking to my very long stay here, I'd feared I'd begun to bother her, so I was glad to hear that wasn't the case.

"I'm glad," I said. "I was afraid I was invading your space for far too long."

"You would never," Emma said and it made me genuinely smile. "Maybe I've subconsciously been disliking all the houses you've shown to me, because I don't like the idea of you leaving. I love having a roommate."

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