Chapter 18

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The thin walls. I hated them. How had lived in this apartment for so long and never realized just how horrible they were? I loved having sex with Emma, I just didn't love hearing her have sex with others. Having Robin sleep beside me made it all even worse, somehow.

Emma had been avoiding me for over three weeks. I'd tried to talk to her, but she'd always immediately excused herself and hurried away. I tried not to put my energy into it, but that was harder than I'd thought. I wanted to know what I'd done wrong, but I couldn't figure it out.

Meanwhile, things were going downhill with Robin at such a fast pace, I could barely keep up. For some reason, we were spending much more time together lately, and I didn't think I could handle it much longer.

I didn't love him anymore, that much had become clear to me. The only thing left for me to do was separate myself from him, but I couldn't get it over my lips.

Perhaps it was just the way I viewed it, but Robin seemed to have gone through some change. Either I only now noticed it, because now that Emma's gone, I spent the majority of the nights with Robin or he'd changed ever since Emma and I stopped being friends. He seemed more confident, more determined to dominate everything around him. It was odd and unsettling.

I stirred once again in bed. Emma's moans were easily recognizable through the walls and it was absolute torture. I tried hiding underneath my pillow, but even that didn't help. The feeling of Emma being so close yet so far kept growing and I felt worse and worse with the second, up to the point that I felt I was going to explode.

"Keep still," Robin muttered beside me, but I just groaned loudly.

"I want a divorce," I blurted out. My mind had not really thought this through and I was taken aback by it myself, yet a sense of relaxation and relief washed over me at the same moment. This had been stuck in my mind for the past months.

"What?" Robin mumbled, half asleep, and turned his head towards me. "What are you saying?"

"I want a divorce."

"Regina, go back to sleep, it's two o'clock in the morning. Please stop this nonsense, I'm tired."

I scoffed and sat up straight in bed. "Nonsense? This is not nonsense, this is how I'm feeling. Robin, I'm unhappy and one of the reasons that I am is our marriage. It's nothing. I feel nothing."

"Is this because of Emma?"

I got off the bed and started dressing up, because between moans coming from the other side of the wall and Robin glaring angrily at me, this room just became too small.

"Why would Emma have anything to do with it?"

"You've been obsessed over her not texting you back. If you're angry with her, you shouldn't take it out on me."

"My friendship with Emma doesn't have anything to do with our marriage. The way I feel when I'm with you has something to do with our marriage and I want to end it."

The sex in Emma's room seemed to stop, and I feared she'd heard me yell. It was hard to care though, she hadn't even been asleep. Robin got up as well, but I was already leaving the bedroom.

"Where are you going? Can't we talk about this?"

"So, now, you want to talk?"

"What is that supposed to mean?"

I crossed my arms and gritted my teeth. I didn't know how I'd suddenly become so angry. Robin just looked at me, defeated, and I couldn't help but feel so much negative energy creeping up in me.

"It means that I've tried talking to you for so long, but you never listen," I said and Robin scoffed. He waved my hand dismissively and stepped closer.

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