Chapter 1- Trouble in Pall Mall

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In the morning, Meredith woke up to the sound of the alarm clock, blaring on her nightstand. She slammed it shut and got up in bed. She looked over to the other side of the bed, where Mycroft stirred and woke up, 'No, no, no, I know you pulled an all-nighter last night. Go back to sleep, I will wake you up in some time' she whispered, caressing his cheek. Mycroft groaned and fell back into the pillows. He wanted to fight but like death, sleep had put him on his back.

Meredith donned her robe and stepped out of the master bedroom, going across the hall to the nursery. She opened the door and switched on the lights of the dimly lit nursery. She walked to the crib and peered down at her son, who was still asleep. For the most part, Atticus was a very quiet baby, who rarely cried and didn't wake up more than twice during the night.

Meredith walked across the nursery and threw open the curtains of the window, letting the sunlight brighten the room. She opened the balcony door and smiled at the sunny view of the valley below. She walked back to the crib and gently unwrapped her son's swaddle, 'I know, I know' she cooed to him as he whined and stirred awake. She lifted him up and cradled him in her arms as she went downstairs to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Meredith stood cradling Atticus in her arms. She switched on the stove and boiled a cup of water. She opened the kitchen window and cut some lemon grass leaves from the plant outside. She added the lemongrass, grated ginger, and tea leaves to the boiling water and then turned to switch on the coffee maker. She had taken to drinking tea ever since she had gotten pregnant and since she was breastfeeding, she stuck to it. She poured her tea into a cup and took it upstairs to the nursery with Atticus still cradled in her arms. She sat down in the nursing chair in the corner of the nursery and fed Atticus as she sipped on her morning tea and gazed out of the window.

Once Atticus was fed and changed, Meredith changed into her black running gear and strapped Atticus into his stroller. Atticus seemed to love that time of the day when Meredith jogged along a park in the early morning hours and pushed his stroller in front of her. He was her little running mate. They would run for 5 miles, stop at a smoothie joint to buy Meredith a green smoothie, and return home.

Once they return home, Meredith put Atticus back in his crib and woke up Mycroft with a cup of coffee. While Mycroft drank his morning coffee and ran on the treadmill for half an hour, Meredith took a shower and got ready.

Later, Meredith opened the mansion's front door and grinned at the woman standing in front of her, 'How was vacation with the kids?' she asked Mrs. Greene.

Mrs. Greene smiled and walked into the house with the morning paper in her hand, 'Two days in, and I wanted to get the hell out of there. Don't take me wrong, I love my kids but sometimes they make me want to blow my head off. I wish they never grew up' the old woman ranted as the two women walked back to the kitchen and started working.

Later, Mycroft entered the kitchen with his briefcase and suit jacket in hand. He placed them on the kitchen table next to Atticus's baby bouncer and stamped a chaste kiss on the baby's head. Meredith poured him another cup of coffee as he sat down to read the newspaper and his morning briefing. He glanced up in worry when Meredith screamed in pain and jerked her hand away from the hot pan. He winced as she stuck her finger into her mouth and handed him a plate of burned toast and fried eggs, 'Why can't you just let Mrs. Greene do her job?' he asked and took her hand in his, examining the burn. Meredith pouted innocently as Mrs. Greene and Mycroft looked at her with piercing glares.

Mycroft shook his head and walked to the counter as Meredith turned on the kitchen faucet, letting the cold water run down her hand. Behind her, Mycroft tore a paper towel off a roll and took some ice out of the freezer. Meredith glanced at him, 'I'm fine' she said, refusing the ice. Mycroft sighed and took her hand forcefully. He pulled her to the kitchen table and made her sit across from him, gently icing her burns. Meredith smiled softly and took the ice out of his hands, 'Eat' she ordered and pushed the plate of breakfast to him. Mycroft reluctantly started eating and glanced over his morning briefing. Meredith watched him eat with a knowing smile, 'How is it?' she asked.

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