Chapter 6- We were One Soul

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In the morning, Mycroft entered the kitchen wearing a tailored three-piece navy-blue suit with pinstripes. Meredith was seated at the kitchen island, working on her laptop. She looked up and smiled briefly with a curt nod then went back to work. Atticus was strapped in his regular place, in the bouncy seat.

Mycroft walked in and stood across from Meredith, 'What are you do in today?' he asked casually.

Meredith looked up at him in surprise, 'Umm, regular PMO work. I have a meeting with the donors and I have to help my mother with the Annual Charity Gala' she answered vaguely.

Mycroft frowned, 'We're still doing that. After everything that has happened, do we really think now is the best time to have a charity gala? It could be considered trivial. It's not good for optics' he said rationally.

Meredith shook her head and poured them coffee, 'Most idiotic idea since you decided to fuck the...' she stopped abruptly and looked at Atticus, who was busy gumming a rattle, deciding to hold her tongue. 'You can't postpone the Annual Bellinger Foundation Gala. Millions of Cancer patients' treatments shouldn't suffer because 'The Grace' and 'The Iceman' couldn't keep it in their pants' she sighed.

Mycroft scoffed and nodded, 'I thought we had retired that nickname. Good to know it's back' he said and focussed on his paper. After a few minutes, Mycroft looked up at Meredith, 'I was wondering if you'd want to go out... for dinner... It has been a while since we...' he asked hesitantly.

Meredith looked at him uncomfortably and nodded, 'Yeah,... Dinner sounds good' she said. He was extending an olive branch, the least she could do was accept it.

Mycroft smiled sincerely and nodded, '8 o'clock?' he asked and Meredith nodded, 'I'll make reservations. Of course, someplace, nobody will recognize us. I don't want anyone...' he wanted to talk to her. They hadn't spoken to each other properly since the news broke out and it would be a good chance for them to talk and sort things out. And they didn't need an audience for the conversation they were going to have.

Meredith had caught onto her husband's train of thoughts, 'Let's do it at home... I'll cook' she said and at her statement, Mycroft smirked at the memories of Meredith cooking. Meredith laughed and shook her head, 'I'll order takeout' she said and Mycroft nodded in agreement. They looked at each other lingeringly, until Atticus decided that complete silence wasn't acceptable to him and cooed. Meredith and Mycroft both jerked their heads to look at their son then back at each other, 'Heyy... Do you mind watching him for a while? Until Mrs. Greene comes. I need to go pump... it's a weird thing, he doesn't like being in the room, when I am...' Meredith tried to explain uncomfortably.

Mycroft frowned in confusion, 'Didn't you already pump?' he asked as he recalled the events of the morning in his brain.

Meredith sighed and packed her bag, 'Every time I pump, I produce basically nothing. And, he hates my boobs. So...' she explained sadly, not wanting to talk about it.

Mycroft pondered over the matter, 'Well, you two were together for six weeks straight. Every day, every minute. And then you went back to work, maybe he has just gotten used to not having you around. Maybe he needs to reconnect. Spend the day with him...' he suggested, being very careful with his words.

Meredith considered for a moment, looking at Atticus sceptically then back at Mycroft, 'I don't think. I can... I just have a lot on my plate' she said.

Mycroft shrugged, 'I can take things off your plate. I'll go to the meetings with the donors, and Anthea can help your mother with the Charity Gala' he offered. When Meredith remained unconvinced, he walked to her and pulled her in his arms, 'I promise I won't burn down your office. Go to the park, run, be wild, go to the lactation group thing...' he started off well then trailed off uncomfortably. Meredith looked at him with a horrified expression and Mycroft shook his head, 'Yeah, I don't know what exactly it is you do with him when you two are alone' he admitted.

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