Chapter 5- Eddie

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In the Smallwood dining room, servants delivered elegantly presented fruits, pastries, and juice. Lady Smallwood entered wearing a close-fitting navy-blue business attire, 'Where's my coffee?' she demanded as she walked across the room and sat down at the head of the table. Jenkins poured her a cup of coffee. Lady Smallwood took a sip and gagged, setting the cup aside. She slumped back in her chair, knowing her day was not going to get any better, 'What are they saying about me?' she asked Jenkins.

Jenkins took a deep breath and shot the staff a stern look, ordering them to clear the room. Once the room had been cleared to give the lady some privacy and allow her to preserve some dignity, Jenkins presented a tray lined with newspapers to Elizabeth, ''Lady Lustwood', 'House of Macbeth', 'Down Goes the Grace', 'Naked Ambition'' he scrolled through an iPad. He raised his brows as he scrolled through the articles, 'This one's kind of clever, 'The Galloping Widow'. They crossed out the grieving and wrote galloping, because of how fast you...' he explained awkwardly.

Lady Smallwood winced uncomfortably and nodded, 'I get it, Jenkins. I'm Westminster's biggest slut' she sighed and buried her face in her hands. She looked up when she heard, Jenkins sigh, 'What is it?' she asked, knowing he definitely had more bad news to pile on.

Jenkins averted his gaze, 'We received a call from Buckingham Palace this morning, they're cancelling your appointment with Her Majesty. And, the speaker's office called, your Education Bill will not be going to the floor until further notice. Which means...'.

Elizabeth sighed and nodded, '... they're going to rip up the bill' she said knowingly. She shook her head in dismay, 'How's it looking outside?' she asked.

Jenkins went and looked through the curtains of the French windows, 'The whole estate is swarming with reporters wanting a comment' he informed.

Lady Smallwood considered, 'Should I make a statement?' she asked.

Jenkins swallowed uncomfortably and showed her the iPad, 'Looks like someone else has already done that for you' he said and played a video.

It was a video of Meredith giving a comment to the reporters lined up on the drive of 10, Downing Street, 'I couldn't possibly comment on someone else's personal life. But I can assure you that their proclivities are no reflection of the work we do here'.

Lady Smallwood fumed with rage, 'THAT FUCKING CUNT' she screamed and hurled the iPad across the dining room, shattering the French windows.

Meanwhile, in the mansion nursery, Meredith sat on the carpeted floor, dressed for work. Beside her was Atticus, lying on his belly. Meredith encouraged Atticus to roll over, 'Alright, buddy, push those arms, kick those legs and roll onto your back' she urged and tickled his back. Atticus laid still, making no attempt to roll onto his back. Meredith gave her son a few more minutes, 'No? Not feeling it? Alright, but we have a deal, remember that' she said and strapped him into his bouncy seat.

On the floor, Meredith's phone lit up with the main gate security's caller ID and she answered it, 'Hello.... Yes, yes, send her in' she said and disconnected the call. She looked back at the baby and smiled at him apologetically, 'I'm sorry, sweetie, but Mumma has to take this. It's not that your developmental milestones aren't important to me but there is nothing much I can do apart from waiting and watching' she explained.

Jane entered the nursery and smiled briefly at Atticus before getting down to business, 'We've done some major damage to Lady Smallwood. But I still don't know how we're going ahead with this smear campaign. What's next?' she asked.

Meredith sighed and scrolled through the news on her iPad, 'Henry can write and you can keep us out of trouble' she said and smirked at Jane. Jane shot her a look, telling Meredith to get to the point, 'Next, we contact the police commissioner. Get Evonne into WITSEC. God knows she is going to need it' she said, looking away tensely.

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