Chapter 10- Home

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In the morning, a taxi pulled up to a ranch. Meredith paid the driver and stepped out of the Taxi. An aid opened the door for her, Meredith stepped into the entrance hall of the elegant home and the door closed behind her. Family photos were displayed on a living room table, while other furnishings were draped with white dust covers. She lingered over the photos and stared fondly at them. She roamed into the dining room and set her purse down on a draped table. She continued to a sitting room, where neatly arranged furniture was covered in white fabric and barren walls devoid of artwork and pictures. As she remained there, taking it all in, an elderly man came and stood at the doorway, 'What's with all the covers?' Meredith asked without looking at him.

The elderly man huffed a small laugh, 'You have to ask?' he asked in rhetoric.

Meredith smiled and turned around, 'It's a wonder you didn't put us in plastic covers when we were kids' she said and hugged the man, kissing his cheek.

The older man, Dawkins pulled Meredith away from him and looked her up and down, 'Perhaps I should have. The maids wouldn't have had to clean up after you as much as they did' he said as he fixed her hair and took her coat. Meredith rolled her eyes at his little eccentricities. 'How is my daughter?' he asked Meredith.

Meredith shrugged, 'She is fine. You should call her sometimes' she suggested gently.

Dawkins scoffed, 'Why?! She hasn't bothered to visit in over ten years' he said grudgingly. Meredith opened her mouth to argue but Dawkins stopped her, 'Save it. I'm not taking parenting advice from the mother of a three-month-old' he said.

Meredith sighed, 'Well, the evidence does suggest I'm the expert of bad-parenting' she muttered more to herself than him. Dawkins raised a brow in question and Meredith shrugged, 'Never mind' she sighed.

Dawkins nodded and let it go, 'How long are you in town for?' he asked.

Meredith shrugged, 'I don't know, I haven't decided' she said uncomfortably.

Dawkins nodded with a cocky smile, 'You have no luggage' he pointed out and Meredith looked away, not wanting to explain herself. 'I had the guest bedroom made up for you. There should be fresh towels, soap and toothpaste, everything you need in the bathroom. I'll have the servants bring up some of Anthea's clothes for you' he said without pressing on the matter.

Meredith nodded and smiled gratefully, 'Thank you for keeping this to yourself' she said softly.

Dawkins nodded with a smile and walked out of the room, 'Dinner is at 6.30 pm sharp. Be there on time, young lady. Or you will go to bed without supper'. Meredith smiled fondly after him and shook her head as she made her way to the guest bedroom.

In the morning, Meredith strolled through the horse stables, wearing an elegant and stylish riding gear. She walked up to the stable boy brushing a horse, 'Hey, I'm Meredith' she said holding out her hand to him.

The young man in his early twenties looked up and smiled at her, 'Oh, hey, I'm George. I work here' he said.

Meredith nodded, 'Yeah, I've seen you around. So, George, can you tell me where I could score some you know...?' she shrugged suggestively.

George stared at her blankly, taking a few seconds to catch to her train of thoughts, 'You mean like... skis, buddha, ice?' he asked.

Meredith frowned in confusion but before she could say something, Dawkins stormed in from behind her, 'George, go home before I call your father and have him chase you out of here like a dog' he said with an ugly scowl on his face and scared the young man away. He then turned to Meredith, 'And, you. What the hell is wrong with you? You're not 20 years old anymore, you have a baby waiting for you at home' he reminded her.

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