Chapter 8- My Son

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In the morning, Mycroft sat across from Dr. Thompson in her open-spaced home office, 'Tell me about your morning. Start from the beginning' she said and started writing.

'Well, I woke up' Mycroft said with a shrug.

Dr. Thompson shot him a tired look. Every session she would ask him the same question. And, every time he would spin the same old tale as if it was the first time, and Dr. Thompson would listen to it like she had never heard it before, 'How did you sleep?' she asked in a practised manner. They had been through the exact routine three sessions in a row now.

Mycroft shook his head in dismay, 'Not well'.

Dr. Thompson observed Mycroft's face and his behaviour, he looked exhausted, 'Have you had a problem sleeping before?' she asked.

Mycroft nodded, 'Shortly, when Meredith and I separated 10 years ago' he answered.

'How did it go away?' Dr. Thompson asked.

Mycroft shrugged, 'I got used to sleeping alone'.

'You're sleeping alone now?' Dr. Thompson asked.

Mycroft nodded, 'Of course. Meredith is still at her parents'' he reminded.

Dr. Thompson shook her head, 'No, I meant your son' she clarified.

'He is staying with Meredith' Mycroft said flatly.

'Do you get to see him?' Dr. Thompson asked.

'No, I haven't seen him since the separation, not for the lack of trying' Mycroft scoffed.

Dr. Thompson furrowed her brows in confusion, 'What is that supposed to mean?' she asked.

'Meredith is trying to punish me for my proclivities by keeping our son from me' Mycroft explained casually.

Dr. Thompson nodded thoughtfully, 'That must be difficult' she mused.

Mycroft frowned, 'Why? Why would it be difficult?' he asked in an impatient manner.

Dr. Thompson shrugged, 'He is your son. As a father, you have the right to be a part of his life. Your relationship with your son doesn't deserve to be punished because of the mistakes you made as a husband' she explained.

Mycroft chuckled and shook his head, 'I resented him and wished him dead when Meredith was dying. I don't deserve to be a part of his life' he said and looked away shamefully.

Dr. Thompson sighed and put her notepad aside, 'You're human, Mycroft. The love of your life was dying. Your ability as a father cannot be defined by that one moment. Think about all the things you have done for your son in the two months of his life, the moments you had with him' she told Mycroft. When Mycroft remained silent for over a minute she pressed, 'Mycroft'.

Mycroft shifted uncomfortably, 'Admittedly, I may not have spent enough time with my son or been involved in his life' he admitted hesitantly.

Dr. Thompson frowned, 'Why not?' she asked.

Mycroft shrugged, 'Meredith is more equipped in that sort. And besides, I have never been very good with babies,... or humans' he added the last bit softly.

Dr. Thompson huffed a small laugh, 'Mycroft, you chose to have a baby' she reminded him.

'It wasn't a choice' Mycroft snapped.

Dr. Thompson looked at him cautiously, 'Did Meredith force you?' she asked.

Mycroft chuckled at that statement, 'No, Meredith has never forced me to do anything... None of Meredith's pregnancies has been planned. The first time, she had a miscarriage and things got very ugly between us. The second time, she left me, again things got complicated, and she ended up having an abortion. This time... she asked me. And I couldn't say no. Meredith is in perimenopause, this was quite possibly her last chance...' he said and his voice trailed off as he thought about it.

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