Chapter 7- Your Grace

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At night, Iris entered the master bedroom in the Downing Street Residence where Henry was in bed, browsing through documents, 'Hey! How did Meredith and the baby settle in?' he asked.

Iris shrugged and walked to the bed, 'Well, Meredith's room was just as it used to be, and I had the boys build a crib for Atticus in the guest bedroom' she said and sat down at the edge of the bed.

Henry furrowed his brows in confusion, 'Can't he just sleep in Meredith's room?' he asked.

Iris nodded and huffed a small laugh, 'I know, that's what I thought. But Meredith wants him to sleep in a separate room. And you know your daughter, she has so many rules. He is a two-month-old and she has his life scheduled down to the last minute. Where did she get this from?' she asked in rhetoric.

Henry shrugged, 'I don't know. We were never this neurotic when it came to the kids. We just went with the flow' he said and looked at the concerned expression on his wife's face. He sighed and took her hands in his, 'Hey! She is going to be fine' he said.

Iris shook her head in dismay, 'I don't know, Henry. She is not 20 years old. She is a 40-year-old woman with a baby. And now she is living with us. Again. It's scary' she admitted.

Henry sighed and shook his head, 'Look, it's her and Mycroft, they do this all the time. They are going to be fine' he assured her.

Iris sighed and shook her head, 'I sure hope, for the sake of this child they can sort things out' she said.

'You two should really think about investing in a good soundproofing technology. Your voice unlike your thoughts travels through walls' The old couple heard Meredith telling them from outside.

Iris gasped and covered her mouth in shock and embarrassment. Henry exhaled heavily and set his work aside, 'Makes me wonder what else she has heard through these walls' he said with a wry laugh.

Iris gasped and smacked his arm, 'Henry, you sicken me' she said in disgust.

Henry laughed and shook his head, 'Oh, no, you love me' he said and kissed her neck. Iris laughed and squirmed, then snuggled up next to him.

In the morning, Meredith jogged through a Downing Street neighbourhood in a light jacket and pants, earphones in place, and pushed Atticus, who was strapped in his stroller, in front of her. A pair of secret service men ran in front of her and behind her, followed by a Diplomatic Security SUV. She picked up her pace, passing by other runners on the sidewalk and then running down a slope carefully. She ran along a forested path surrounded by tall trees and thick green foliage. The sun peeked through the leafy branches. As she rounded a corner, listening to music, she stopped abruptly in her tracks. She skidded to a halt and yanked out her earphones as a paparazzi wearing workout clothes, startled her, 'Ms. Bellinger, are you and Mr. Holmes having marital issues? Are you leaving him?' he asked and flashed the camera in Meredith's face, taking shots of her with the baby. Meredith quickly lowered the canopy on Atticus' stroller and stood in front of it, so the paparazzi couldn't get any more pictures of the baby. The Diplomatic Security immediately jumped into action and restrained the paparazzi, pushing him to the ground, while a shaken-up Meredith and Atticus were quickly ushered into the SUV.

Later that morning, Mycroft was escorted into the Prime Minister's residence in Downing Street, where Jane and Anthea were already present and briefing the Prime Minister of their situation. Iris went to Mycroft and hugged him, as he stamped a kiss on her cheek. Mycroft's gaze then landed on Meredith, who was standing by the kitchen counter. He went to her and nodded at her curtly, 'Are you okay?' he asked. Meredith nodded and poured him a cup of coffee, 'I was hoping I could see Atticus' he said awkwardly since he hadn't seen Atticus since Meredith left their Pall Mall residence.

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