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"Y/N PACK UP! WE'RE LATE FOR OUR FLIGHT!!!" you heard your mother scream."I'M COMING MA!!" you stuff everything in your luggage and zip it up as fast as possible, you couldn't even get to brush your teeth.


ugh. I couldn't even brush my hair. Maybe I can brush my teeth in the plane. I grab my bags and headed out. "I'm ready ma! " you said holding your bags and luggages "oh great. Lets go! " me and my mom both run out the door and lift up the 'FOR SALE' sign in front out our house! I say goodbye the everyone in the village and hop in the car and drove to the airport.

Time skip to Colombia

Me and my mom both walk to a village filled with flowers... Happiness... People talking...a lot of positivity... And a woman carrying 5 donkeys and a girl shooting flowers out of her hands! Wait. What???
Me and my mom move into this cozy nice house. "Mom why was there a woman carrying 5 FRIGGIN DONKEYS AND A WOMAN SHOOTING FLOWERS OUT OF HER-" you get cut off by your mom "aigh.My hija so clueless...Theres a house on top of the hill! It's called casa Madrigal. Family Madrigal has gifts!! They've been blessed with a miracle years ago! Aigh...such a lovely and sad story. Anyway,you're applying to a new school! Tomorrow. " tomorrow? WHAT???? "Ugh fine... I'm gonna go to my room to store everything. " to be honest I was pretty bored and I felt like storing stuff so I guess I was happy! I miss my friends though.

I wake up to a loud ringing sound of my alarm. Gosh it's so annoying!!!... I turned off my alarm and got ready for school. Hm, pretty cute fit!

Your fit: {if you don't like it you can change it }

I walk downstairs, eat breakfast and run out the door since I was already late

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I walk downstairs, eat breakfast and run out the door since I was already late.

Arriving to School

Woah this place is huge... You turn to a corner arriving to class. "Ah! Hello,you must be Y/N. Come Come!" My teacher pulled me up front to the class, I felt pretty nervous since everybody was staring at me. "Class, this is Y/N Y/I/N she's a new student here." I discovered my teacher's name was Mr.Macario. Interesting name? "no one cares haha! " I turn to the back and see boys at the back laughing and whispering. Mr. Macario said "Alfred,eso no es agradable. recuerdo las cosas que decía la gente cuando te transfirieron por primera vez / that's not nice. I remember the things people said when you first transferred " the whole class started laughing but I couldn't really understand what Mr. Macario said Since I used to live in Colombia but moved when I was just a baby.

Mr. Macario assigned me next to a boy who was one of the men talking shit about me in the back. HECK NO I'm not sitting next to him.

"Mr.Macario? Can I sit somewhere else? I don't feel comfortable sitting there. " "No Y/N I can't move seats anymore.im sorry you have to sit beside Camilo. "

Ugh. This sucked. I slowly walked to the seat beside him while he watched me with annoyed eyes. I sat next to him and set up my textbook and stuff I looked over at Camilo, he had Green Ember Eyes and Freckles. I have to admit he was kinda cute.. BUT BUT BUT it's my first day I can't have a crush yet, that's way too fast. I continued to focus on Mr. Macario when suddenly I felt a crumbled peice of paper thrown at me. I look behind me and see Alfred Looking away holding his laughter."Whyd you throw that at me?" I questioned him "i don't know maybe because youre a loser? " he talked back "excuse me? At least I don't have hair that looked like it's been through 7 thunder strikes." Mr. Macario cleared his throat and said "Y/N do you have a problem? " I looked back at Mr.Macario "no uh sir. Sorry. "

After class

I took some books out of my locker and went on my phone when I bumped into someone "watch where you're going princesa " excuse me???? What the F- "sorry."I said He walked away while I picked up my books, A girl helped me pick up my books and talked to me "Hey Sorry about him.Hes pretty popular so I suggest you don't talk back to him.bit hey I'm just warning you" huh??? Camilo? Popular?? Ugh. He just makes my blood boil. "Thanks.im Y/N" "I'm Chloe. Call me Chlo for short if u want :)"

We became friends and she showed me around , I also discovered she had a crush on Camilo But I wouldn't blame her. He had a pretty face, but ugly personality.

5 days later:

Me and Chloe became bestfriends and we never kept anything from each other! But anyway

I bursted through the door late and everyone laughing at me. I got detention and yeah whatever

Mr. Macario was teaching when suddenly a paper plane was thrown at him and I look where it came from and not surprisingly it was Camilo. Great.

"Who was that? " Mr.Macario said angrily. "That would be me Mr.Macario" How was he not scared? I rolled my eyes and thought to myself that maybe he was just playing around... He didn't wanna get detention... Right?..

Are you fucki-

He got detention.

I entered the empty classroom with Camilo in it for detention. I wanted to melt and never come back but, it was impossible so I had to deal 1 hour of an annoying curly haired charming boy. Wait wht? No. Ew. Gross..

UGHHH this sucked
The teacher made us sit next to each other.

"So uh Y/N." Don't he freaking dare talk to me.

"What do you want Camilo... "

"I don't appreciate you being rude to
me >:("

"As if you never was to me

He stood up and grabbed me by the arm and I felt my face starting to heat up. Not that he was the one causing me to. It's just that no one ever did that to me..?

"Camilo let go!" He leaned in and whispered in my ear "either you be nice to me or I be rude to you. "

My eyes widen as he gave me this devilish smirk. God. I hated his guts.

Hiii I hoped you enjoyed this part!! I love where this story is going! Do you?
See you on the next chapter though!
Bye lovelies ~

Heart Me <3 {Enemys to Lovers} Camilo MadrigalWhere stories live. Discover now