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God I hated his guts.

"So what's it going to be? Y/n." Woah. He said my name like flirting I don't know how to explain it but all I know is that I had an idea.

I stood up , grabbed his shoulders and pushed him down to his chair "Sure mi amor~" I leaned in and I could see he was kind of blushing. I could also see his freckles . Mr. Macario unlocked the door and I walked out leaving Camilo stunned there

Ha! I loved seeing his shocked face. Too funny.

I walked home to the village and some kids started talking to me! They're pretty cute but some are really active..

"Hey ma! I'm home" I yelled. No answer. I looked on the table and saw some food with a note. While I ate my food and read the note it said. ..

You look over at the side and see a little Eiffel tower keychain.

Cute!! I snatch the keychain, ate my food, washed the dishes and went up to my room.

I look on Instagram and saw the schools post.

Cool! New student is coming! I can't wait to meet her.

The next day

You open the door and sit down. Looks like Camilo isn't coming.

Just as I said that he bursted through the door with bread in his mouth.

God this feels so embarrassing for him.

A girl walks through the door and her outfit is... Slutty. What the heck. I know it's rude but i can't help thinking!! She was definitely pretty though.

Her outfit:

"Heyy~ I'm Cynthia

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"Heyy~ I'm Cynthia." Everyone started focusing on her. I'm pretty sure they all thought she was extremely hot.

I turned around to see if Camilo was staring as well but to surprise he was sleeping.

It was funny! But I had to wake him up so I kinda... Threw paper at him.

"What?" He turned around saying, "There's a new girl here you jackass" I said chuckling.

He groaned and sat down properly with an annoyed face. I looked back at her and she was walking to her seat and to my SURPRISE it was in front of Camilo.

While Mr.Macario was teaching she started flirting with Camilo.

I don't know why but it made my blood boil...

"Omg I love your eyes! They're so pretty. " Cynthia said while tryna pop her frigging boobs in his face "uh.yeah thanks. Can you um back up a little bit"

Ha! Bitch.

I rolled my eyes and opened my textbook.

The next day

I woke up to a loud sound outside... Ughhh! It's Saturday give me a break!!!.
"cariño get ready for school!" Wait what??

I run downstairs. "but it's Saturday???"
"Aih ..yes.its Saturday but you have clubbing remember??" "Ugh! I forgot about that. " wait.. OH SHOOT I'M IN BAKING CLASS??? I run upstairs, get ready and run out the door.

At school

Phew. I made it in time. I look to my side and see Camilo standing Next to me SUPER annoyed. "Oh my god. What are you doing here?" I look at him saying ."My dad made me join this class. I HAVE A MOTHER TO CALM DOWN!!!" Huh??? He's going to calm his mother by making pastries?

"How are you gonna calm your mom with muffins and cakes?"I ask confusingly. "My mom's mood controls the weather. " HUH??? "Wha-Do you have something to do with the woman carrying uh...what was it again..?" "Donkeys? " he guessed."YES! that." "She's my cousin, I'm guessing you've seen the one growing flowers out of her hands? " wow. That's magical.

I went back to stirring my mixture and I look at Camilo again but It was me!!

"AHH!" I screamed knocking down the bottle of pancake batter. Suddenly My clone turned into Camilo again. "Shh! What the heck??" He whisper-shouted

"How did - how.."I stutter. "I can shapeshift,I'm part of The Family Madrigal!" I looked at him still shocked

"Wait what's this? " he showed me his whisk with batter on it. I looked closely at it but then the whisk came closer and got batter on my nose! "CAMILO!" I whisper-shouted at him. He started chuckling and went back to mixing. I grabbed my whisk and put it batter on his nose. "Y/N WTH" ah. Felt much better. "What? U did the same thing like 2 seconds ago.." I said laughing . "You're such a loser" he teased me

Heart Me <3 {Enemys to Lovers} Camilo MadrigalWhere stories live. Discover now