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I woke up next to Camilo, I mean of course what am I saying..????

I hop out of bed to get ready but then I tripped over something. "Auh!" I fell.

Worst morning ever.

I got up to brush my teeth and get ready. It took quite long though..

After I got ready I headed downstairs to eat.

"Morning Isabela! Morning antoniooo,morning Lina! " Lina is my daughter, I also have a son Diego. I sat down and ate an arepa.

"Did it hurt?" Antonio asked. "....did what hurt?" I asked confusingly "Yeah! Did it hurt mama?" Lina asked. "I don't know what you guys mean?" Antonio chuckled with lina. "When you had sex just now with cami-" "no I didn't! "I quickly covered poor 5 year old linas ears. "I just fell. " I ate. Antonio looked down at his food smiling.

"Morning Mirabel!" Antonio greeted.

Abuela has passed away a few months ago and now Mirabel is the holder of the candle now. "Y/n just had se-" "NO I DIDNTT!" I  cut Antonio off.

Antonio chuckled as Lina raised an eyebrow in confusion.

I turn to my left and saw Camilo sitting down. He looked.. Sleepy. He Pat Lina on the head and sat down. "Where's diego?" I asked. "Sleeping" Camilo answered.

Lazy boy.

I smiled.

Heart Me <3 {Enemys to Lovers} Camilo MadrigalWhere stories live. Discover now