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Oh god.

Just as I finished saying that the door whips open. I twitchingly look back and see Camilo closing the door but he didn't notice me. I quickly RAN my way to Mirabels room.

"Oye mama!... Who was that?" Camilos says

I widen my eyes and thought of an idea.
I started whispering to Dolores from upstairs to not tell him. Well she does have the hearing power thingy... Maybe it could work.It did!

I put my ear against the door eavsedropping

"Oh that was just...antonio..." Dolores says. "Uhh okay then. I left something in Mirabels room. I'm gonna go get that-." Camilos gets cut off. "NO!" They all yell,
"Uh wanna tell me what's going on? Or am I gonna find out myself?" He starts walking towards the door putting his hand on the door knob. "AIH I'LL GET IT FOR YOU!! you can go to your room! Eheh..." Mirabel starts freaking out. "Ohhkay..?~" Camilos says while going into his room confused.

Mirabel let out a sigh of relief and I creak open the door making sure he was gone.

"Hey guys! Oh hello Y/N!!!!" Julieta pops out saying loudly. "SHHH!!!" pepa and mirabel shushs julieta. "Oh! Sorry. Was I too loud? What's going on? " Julieta says while handing Mirabel an arepa.

While Mirabel ate and Dolores explains what was going on.

Just as Mirabel was finished talking we heard footsteps coming down from the stairs. I turn around quickly and it was just Abuela. Phew..

"Hello.you must be Y/N? " Abuela spoke. "Ah.hello!! Yes. I am! " she grabbed my hand and held it. "You should join us for dinner tonight! We have a special guest coming too. " what? No!!... "Uh! I uh-...sure!.."

Oh shoot.


"Perfect! I'll see you there." She said letting go of my hand and smiling innocently as she walks away. I turn back at them with a worried face.

"Really y/n..?!!" Mirabel whisper-shouted. "I-i just froze!!! Now I have to face Camilo!!!" I said.

"Aiaiai..." Pepa murmured.

"Well good luck. Don't worry. He won't do anything. " Julieta spoke with and encouraging face.


At dinner

I sat down nervously at the dinner table waiting for the one person to arrive.

"Camilo! Your friend Y/N is here." Felix said.

Camilo sat down in front of me and I'm pretty sure he knew I was nervous. I tried not to make eye contact with him, But I couldn't stop accidentally staring!!!

It was very quiet, but then a handsome man sat down beside Isabella.

"Welcome Mariano!!" Abuela spoke.

20 minutes later we were all just eating. I kept forcing myself to look down at my plate and tried my best not to look at anyone. I looked up and made eye contact with Camilo. FOR A FEW SECONDS! I snapped back into reality and looked back down. When suddenly I heard a loud Thunderstorm! I flinched and looked at pepa and saw that she was thundering while Felix was whispering in her ear. After that she started whispering to Julieta... I looked at Mirabel and her head was under the table. "Uhh Mirabel? " Mariano said. "Argh! " Mirabel said scratching her head after knocking it under the table.

Andd that's where chaos broke loose.

It started raining inside after a little tray had slid! To abuela and abuelas face turned into confusion into shocked. WHAT WAS GOING ON???

Luisa was crying on the floor. Isabelas flower punched Mariano. Pepa was scared.

What the helll?

After the chaotic dinner

I was helping Julieta with the dishes. I was finishing up a plate. I thought to myself.

What if I confess to Camilo right now? I mean. I have nothing to do and I kinda hate this awkward tension between us so... Eh!

I put the plate down and went to find Camilo.

Aih. Where's that Chico estupido?
Oh! There he is.

I yank his arm and went into his room.
"Ai! What the he- " he yells not knowing it's me."look Camilo.Ive been thinking about when you confessed to me.I like you too. But I'm kind of afraid to date you since yknow you own a fandom full of annoying girls that'll attack me if they found out.I love you but I don't know how to date you."

I said that a little to fast. Did he even hear it?

"Oh uhm. Thanks? And do we keep it as a secret then? Or.." He spoke back scratching the back of his neck. "That seems nice. Okay. Bye! See you at school" I left that room quickly. I walked downstairs and went to the bathroom to fix myself a bit.

Well that was quick! It wasn't that ba-.....

I open the door and see pepa with the most HUGE rainbow above her head. "Oh..hi pepa! Im guessing you know what happened? " I put my hands on my hips. To my suprise she just gave me a big hug. "Wo-ah hey! " I said chuckling. "Take good care of my hijo" she said letting go with a smile. "Don't worry I will." I gave her smile back and walked out of the bathroom.

I sat beside Antonio and started playing with him! "Are you his girlfriend? :D" Antonio asked innocently with a cute little smile. "What? The rat? " I pointed at the rat he was holding. "No! Hehe my brother! " he said giggling. "Whatt? Who told you that! Well I am now! " he looked at me with a huge smile and his eyes glittering. He gave me a big hug!

Hey guyys! I know this chapter seems short but it's almost 1000 words! . I know it's not that much but I tried and I can't really think for this chapter anymore. D':
I'll try writing more for the next though! Cya <3

Heart Me &lt;3 {Enemys to Lovers} Camilo MadrigalWhere stories live. Discover now