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AHH! I screamed while waking up to me rolling off the bed.


I got up and went to get ready.

Your outfit: {if you don't like it you can change it :) }

Your outfit: {if you don't like it you can change it :) }

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At school

"Woah!" I almost tripped and spilled my coffee...

I went to go sit down and wait for everyone so I could get this boring day of school over...

Finally everyone's in. Except for our teacher. Uhgahh...

I turned around to see Cynthia the bitchface sitting in Camilo's seat.

"Uh hey cynthia-" I got cut off when she spoke, "Ugh.shut up! I'm purposely sitting here so Camilo can talk to to me.then! I'm gonna keep the conversation!"

Obsessed much.

"Listen I don't care.but what I do care is you sitting here because I really ..REALLY hate you." I said after Camilo walking in.

"Oh Shush! Camilo's coming.." Whatever.

"Cynthia ur in my seat.." Camilo said
"Oh! Heheh ! God I'm so dumb,I'm so sorry!" She stood up and walked over to her seat and sat down.

He sat down in his seat and acted like nothing happened! Well that's good. Wait. What? Why would I care...

At home

Ahh~ finally home...

Hm. I'm bored... I guess I'll go for baking class and chill there .

At school

Time to unlock the door~ 🎶

I open the door and see CYNTHIA???

"Uhm hey Cynthia.what are you doing here.? Ur not allowed in here" I spoke

"Ugh isn't it today? I joined for Camilo

HAHA.. this is a joke right?...

"ehe good one. Get out"I said "Uh I'm in this club loser! " Cynthia spoke back


I rolled my eyes

I put my bag down and starting opening the cabinets to grab some ingredients

I turned around and Cynthia was behind me. I bumped into her and dropped all my ingredients!


I looked back and Mr.Macario was behind me! What the heck... I rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasn't dreaming and he turned into Cynthia AGAIN???


"Camilo stop u scared me!! Now I have to pay for these ingredients "I kinda yelled but eh

"Were u jealous Amor? " he smirks at me saying

Gross. No!

"Hah! In your dreams".

After Club activity

Time to lock this door~ 🎶

At home

"Mom? Heloooo?" Hm. Maybe she's not home.. Ooh! A noteee

 Ooh! A noteee

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I grabbed the money, grabbed some arepas and ran upstairs

Maybe I can pay for the ingredients with this... Yeah that's enough okayyy I'm gonna head to the grocery store and get the ingredients

At the grocery store

So.... Milk, eggs.... Flour.... Sugar... Butter!

I grabbed the butter, milk, flour and eggs to check out

At home ° 7:35pm

I heard the doors open and saw my dad and mom!

"Hey!! I missed you guys.." I gave them a big hug

"Phew.hello my y/n! I bought you some croissants!" my dad said while handing me a paper bag with chocolate croissants


"Well my hija.you better get ready for bed! You have school tomorrow."

Damn it.

The next day

I walked to the bathroom and got ready for school

Ur outfit: {and once again you can change it if u don't like it!!}

Ur outfit: {and once again you can change it if u don't like it!!}

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At school

As I was walking to class I had just remembered I had to see that son of a bitch Cynthia... Ugh ...oh! Right the ingredients...

I was walking through a hallway filled with people chatting and talking about stuff while holding my ingredients


I put down my stuff to unlock the door

I got in and put back the ingredients

I was walking back when I bumped into someone in the hallway.

Ow! Oh Camilo.

"Oh sorry Y/N." He apologized

"Is okay. "

"I have something to tell you. " he said

"Huh? What is it? " I asked

"....i like you. "

Heart Me <3 {Enemys to Lovers} Camilo MadrigalWhere stories live. Discover now