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Hey guys!! So I am here to announce my current biggest supporter rn
pumpkinhasdied!!! Thank you so much for supporting me! enjoy this chapter!

I wake up in my room and see a bird outside my window. I opened the window and realised it was holding a note.

I grab the note and open it.

*Morning mi Amor!! Meet me outside casita I'm bringing you somewhere : )*

I love him so much.

I looked back at the bird and it was waiting for a response. I grabbed some paper and a pen.

*Morning! Sure. : )* I wrote back giving the note to the bird.

I run downstairs to eat my breakfast. "Morning! " mom says while sitting down at the table.

"So...mama.Its Antonio's birthday...and they're hosting a party. Can I go? " I nervously asked mom. "Antonio? Like the madrigal? " she asked already not liking this idea. "Yeah..! It's his birthday and you know...im his friend. " I said. "fine.be home by 10."


I went to get ready.

I ran outside and sprinted to Casita

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I ran outside and sprinted to Casita.

Once I arrived I saw Camilo outside waiting. I ran up to him. "hi!!" I said hugging him. He grabbed my hand and started running somewhere. "where are we going? " I asked Camilo. "Somewhere!!" Camilo responded.

Arrived at location

It was a hill. It had a full view of the sky and the hill was filled with flowers.

We sat down and started admiring the sunset. "it's beautiful.thank you, Cami. " I said looking back at the sky. Suddenly I felt a hand pull me down. Soon we were both laying down laughing and talking.


I wake up still on the hill with Camilo. Were we sleeping? I looked at Camilo and he looked so peaceful. He was so pretty.

I grabbed some flowers and decorated his hair with them.

"am I pretty? " Camilo said with his eyes still closed. "Yeah-wait a minute..." I didn't know he was awake. I was kind of embarrassed...

"My turn Amor!"  He sat up and gathered some flowers. He put a cute
Peony in my hair and started decorating my hair with a bunch of daisies, sunflowers and roses. He sat back down. "You look like a flower goddess!" Camilo complimented. We made eye contact till I broke it and kissed him.

We went home. And totally forgot to be home by ten! It was 12:34. I waved Camilo goodbye and ran to my house. I such in hoping I wouldn't get caught. I bumped into something, I looked up and saw my mom. "Where have you been??! I was worried you know.its past ten! " she scolded. "I'm sorry! Antonio asked to stay for a little longer. " I made up an excuse. "PSH lies! I visited Casita and a kind woman told me there wasn't a party! " mom yelled. "Okay! I'm sorry! Chloe wanted to study with me..." I made up ANOTHER excuse... "Chloe? Ohh that Chloe.....just...dont be late next time! " mom bought it. Yes!


I woke up and got ready. Schools staring next week and we have a quiz on Monday. I had to really study now...

I went over to Casita to study with Camilo. I bring my notes and textbooks.

I walked in and Casita greeted me. "Morning casita!" I greeted back. "Hello y/n! Assuming looking for Camilo?" Dolores assumed and greeted. "We have a quiz on monday. We need to study. " I said. "Oh? Camilos in his room. " Dolores pointed. "Thank you! " I said going up the stairs.

"Camii? " I opened the door slowly.

still sleeping.

I sat down on his bed and shook him. "Cami! We need to study! We planned this yesterday.." I reminded him. "Nooooo"He groaned in his pillow. "Come on! Get up! " I shook him again. Camilo got up and went to the bathroom. I heard a crash in there. "You okay Cami?" I made sure he was okay. "Y-yeah!" Camilo said. I heard another crash.i walked up to the bathroom door. "Do you need help? You seem weird..." I asked putting my hand on the doorknob. "WAIT! I'm naked dont open the door. " Camilo yelled. I immediately yanked my hand back from the doorknob.

He opened the door and he was dressed. His hair was a little bit messy. "Ooh.your hair. " I fix his hair. I felt my hand touch his forehead and it was burning hot. "Oh! Your forehead..!" I said. "What...?" Camilo said. He was starting to loose his balance. "Woah! Get control of your balance!! You're heavy I can't carry you...." I helped him.

Dolores told me he was sick but julieta is going somewhere and she wouldn't be back in a few days. Gosh... Why was this happening now..?!

Camilo was in bed and I went down to the kitchen. I went down and saw pepa making some soup. "Oh y/n! Perfect timing. Can gyou please bring this soup to Camilo? I need to prepare dinner." Pepa handed me a bowl of ginger soup.

I went upstairs to feed Camilo.

"Cami,your mom made soup for you! " i woke him up putting the bowl of soup on the table beside him. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. Poor Cami. He looked so sick. I fed him the soup and went down to wash the bowl.

"Y/n could you come over tomorrow? Considering you're camilos girlfriend and we need the extra help. We're super busy these days. " Dolores insisted. "Sure." I continued washing the bowl.

After I was done I went up to Camilo room to add more water to the towel that was sitting on his forehead.

I gently placed a cold towel on his forehead. For some reason my heart starting beating faster.

Camilo woke up and sat up. "You okay Amor? " he asked in a tired voice. "Why are you asking me..? I should be asking you." I said. "I'm fine. " he chuckled.

As I stood up to walk away he grabbed my arm. "Wait.can you stay? " camilo asked. "oh sure. " I sat back down. "come here" I realized he wanted me to lay down with him.

I laid down next to him. I played with his hair while he drifted off to sleep.

Heart Me <3 {Enemys to Lovers} Camilo MadrigalWhere stories live. Discover now