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It was midnight and I was hungry and so was Mirabel. We planned to get a midnight snack bit we had to be quiet.

"Okay! Let's go!" Mirabel whispered.

We opened the door carefully and closed it. I turned behind me and saw a random man standing there! "AHH!" We both screamed. I jumped on the man about to beat him up but then he turned it Camilo. "Chill!!! It's just me!!!" Camilo whispered shouted. "Camilo!! Stop shifting into other people while getting a night snack!!!." I whisper shouted. "Shoot run!!! I hear someone coming!!" Mirabel whispered. We all ran into Camilos room. We didn't know what we were doing or who's room we were going into so we just ran into Camilos. "Phew.." Mirabel whispered. I looked around but it was just a hallway with mirrors. "Why is your room...just mirrors? Where's your bed? Do you sleep on the floor? " I questioned Camilo. "Yeah" Camilo answered "HUH???" "Of course not." "Oh."

Camilo brang me to his ACTUAL room and it was pretty cozy to be honest... I sit down  on his bed and look around. His bed is soo comfy! "Why do you have so many mirrors in the hallway though..?" I asked afraid what he would answer. "Oh..well uhm I shapshift a lot and sometimes I feel like I would forget what looked like and stuck as another person so..." He answered.

Mirabel opened the door slowly hoping that we weren't doing anything weird... "Phew." Mirabel opened the door fully. "What? " I asked. "Oh nothing I just thought that you guys would be...uh..." We stared at mirabel suspiciously . "..nevermind! Let's go!!"


I get a call from my mom telling me to come home and they have exciting news.

"Cami I have to go home I'll be back" I tell Camilo. "Oh okay. Have fun!" Camilo says.

I open the door to my house and see my parents sitting there waiting for me.

"Hi mom. Hi dad! So you had something to say..?" I reminded. "Ah yes. So...your dad has to go back to Paris for a few days and we decided..youre going too! Of course I am too. " my mom excitedly announced. "What? But I don't wanna go!" I objected. "Sorry,darling! It's decided!".

No way! I don't even wanna go. Plus how am I gonna tell Camilo? Ugh.

Back at Casita

I entered Camilos room."heyy.." I walked in."oh hey! What happened?" He asked me. "So uhm...i don't know how to say this but...-" I got cut off by Camilo,"yes, I know you're going to Paris for a few days!" camilo announced that he knew."what? Howd you know?" I asked him."are you forgetting I have a family with a bunch of gifts?" He reminded me."oh..right..im gonna miss you thoughh.." I confessed. "Me too! But I hope you have fun." Camilo said giving me a big bear hug.

On the plane

I was texting Camilo for almost the whole flight."whos that?" My mom asked suspiciously. She knew on the first day of school he was my enemy.Oh when she found out, she hated him.

"Oh..texting my friend Chloe.." I quickly hid my phone.mom suspiciously went back to her laptop to finish her work.

At the hotel

"Im gonna take a shower!" I said.i went into the bathroom and turned on the shower.buttt I actually didn't take a shower...i face timed Camilo in the bathroom.

"Y/n you forgot the sham-" my mom barged in."I KNEW IT! " my mom cut herself off."Mom!" I yelled.As she was yelling at me I quickly took the chance to click *end call* because..this was quite embarrassing...

A few days later

I was texting Camilo on the plane planning to meet up with him at the airport.my mom was still mad at me and dad too.she wasn't talking to me and neither was dad.ugh!

After our flight back we were walking around in the airport.well..my parents were... I was looking for Camilo but I tried acting like I wasn't. I lost my parents but I saw Camilo. I ran up behind him."Camilo!" I surprised him.He turned around and saw me. He kissed me,I was surprised because this was our first kiss.everytime I just kissed his cheek but never on his lips. He grabbed my waist while I wrapped my arms around his neck.

He broke the kiss and made eye contact with me. He had pretty green ember eyes and dark cute freckles. But... I don't get it.

Why was he such a dick at school but not at home?

But that didn't matter. I loved him.

And I would do anything for him.


I heard my mom yell for me. I turned my head around and saw her coming to me but she wasn't looking at me so I quickly yanked off Camilos arms. "Hi mija. Who's this? " my mom asked. "Uhh this is...is...no one special!!" I quickly answered. She looked at me suspiciously. "Alright then. Let's go!! We have to get home. Your dad has work. " my mom said while grabbing my arm and walking away. While we were walking away I turned my head around and winked at camilo.

Hello!! sorry this chapter is short I couldn't think of anything else. AHAHAH

Heart Me <3 {Enemys to Lovers} Camilo MadrigalWhere stories live. Discover now