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"...i like you. "

wait what.?

Camilo has been kinda... My enemy ever since I moved here there's no way he could like me.?

MAYBE. This is a cruel joke to HUMILIATE me in front of everyone.

MAYBE. He's just doing this to fool me and impress his friends.

MAYBE. He doesn't like me he's just doing it for my money.

MAYBE. He's just doing it for my body.

"I...uhm..." I said stuttering while everyone was watching and whispering

A few seconds later Cynthia comes in and pushes me away

"Hey babeeee! " she said rolling her eyes at me

"Babe?-" he got cut off when Cynthia grabbed his arm and pulled him away

I was standing there frozen as everyone started looking at me with furrowed eyebrows

I ran as fast as I could to the club room and maybe baking could get my mind off this mess.

But he doesn't like me... Does he..?
Ugh whatever! I don't care...


That's it I'm going home...

At home

"Hey love! Did you have a good day at school?" My mom asks giving me an arepa

"Y/n? " my mom says. "Huh? Oh uh yeah."

I ran up to my room to take a nap but Camilo ran through my mind. I dug my head into my pillow and groaned

why did he have to like me??? Well maybe he doesn't but .. Man!..

"I'm home!" Ooh! Moms home...
I run downstairs almost slipping

"Hey momm! Where's dad?" I asked wondering

"Oh he went to grab more stuff from the car!" Phew... Good thing dad isn't on another Trip or something. . .

At school

God.. I was so nervous to see Camilo...

I sat down in my seat and started fidgeting nervously

"Oy,Y/n! "

Oh gosh...

I look up and see Carlos.. Camilos friend. "Oh..hey Carlos..." I said

"Why don't u accept Camilo? " ugh.. I don't know how to answer that!!!! "Uh..i don't know...What if hes gonna use me? " to my surprise he started bursting out laughing... "Ha! You think Camilos like that? Wow. That's a good one. "

... What?

"He doesn't do that...right? You're not lying.. right?!" I started panicking

"Ay chill. He wouldn't do that. He may seem rude but he wouldn't do something like that. "

... What do I say???? So Camilo isn't playing me so that means... Oh god....

"Thanks Carlos. I'll be going now.." I said standing up slowly "are you leaving because you're scared Camilo's gonna come? " ... "Maybe..but THAT'S besides the point...i feel..sick..! Yeah I feel sick".. I'm not a very good liar am I...

"No! You're staying here until school ends. " he denied "why??!" I said "Because I want u to stay and principle Ordia said nobody is going home and if you're sick there's the nurse's office, They're NOT gonna let you leave."

Heart Me <3 {Enemys to Lovers} Camilo MadrigalWhere stories live. Discover now