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Me and Camilo were on the couch watching a movie. My head was on his shoulder n stuff we were baisically Cuddling.

I looked at him and he was sleeping. He looked so peaceful.

The door whips open! "Y/N do you know where is th-"."Oh hey Dolores,what do I do? He's sleeping on the couch????"

She signalled me to wake him up while she took the laundry basket to the laundry room.

I hated waking Camilo up! Damn it.

"Camilo? Wake up." I said while shaking his arm. "Huh? Oh sorry." He said waking up "should we go to bed? Do you wanna go to sleep? " I asked him. "Sure." We got up and I turned off the TV and went upstairs. "Good night amor." He said closing the door to his room.


I get out of bed and get ready

Your outfit:

I leave mirabels room and I see Camilo getting out of his room

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I leave mirabels room and I see Camilo getting out of his room.

"Hey Cami." I gave him a kiss on his cheek

I walk downstairs and no one is here.. Maybe everyone is still getting ready.

I look up and see Isabela coming downstairs with a welcoming face. "Hi Isabela! " I said happily. "Hello Y/n! Please. Call me isa." She said. "Id be more than happy to do that :)" I shot an Innocent smile. "Well! I need to go out to decorate the city. Have fun! " she said while walking out the door with a flower trail.

"I'm back! Oh right! My two friends are coming over. Do you mind? " Camilo came back talking. "Nope! When are they arriving? " I asked. "Uhhh about 10 minutes..?" He said with a thinking face. "Oh okay. I'm gonna go get ready then. " I said walking up the stairs leaving camilo with a worried and confused face.

Camilos friends arrives

"Aye! Come in!!!" Camilo greeted.

I come downstairs with a hoodie and jeans.

"Whos that? " one of Camilos friends asking camilo. "My girlfriend? I thought you knew??" Camilo answers while whispering. "Oh aight." His friend says. "Y/n.this is Nicho and dean. " Camilo introduced.

Just as Camilo finished talking the door bell rang. "I'll get it! " pepa yelled.

We continued talking while pepa walked to the door with a table cloth in her hand. "Uh hello! Welcome..Do you need something? " Pepa welcomed looking at the person up and down.
"Hello! I'm here to see my boyfriend!" I heard a womans voice. "Boyfriend...what boyfriend??" Pepa asked confusingly. The woman came in and yeah. It was Cynthia.

I rolled my eyes and her outfit.. It was so revealing. "Hii baby! " Cynthia jumped on camilo. "What? I thought-" Pepa got cut off while she was thundering. I cut off pepa and covered her mouth. "Uh.im not your boyfriend...?" camilo said slowly taking her hands off of his shoulder. "Don't be silly! Wanna go eat?" Cynthia said taking his hand. "Broo! Haha! I thought y/n was-" Nicho got cut off by Dean. "Sh! Idiot!! Remember???" Dean widened his eyes at nicho. "Oh right..." Nicho whispered. "Camilo what's going on? " pepa started forming a bigger cloud. "I don't know mama! I don't even like this girl!!!!" Camilo yelled. "Sorry eh..but you need to get out..." Pepa took Cynthia hands and threw her out. Gee.

"Thank you,pepa. That was a disaster! " I said relieved. "No problem! You guys want food? Theres arepas on the table if you're hungry. " Pepa offered. "Yeah sure! I'll. Go grab some later!" Pepa smiled and walked away.



Hey what's up?

Hey chlo! Nm I'm at Camilos.
He has friends over

Cool! What're you guys doing?

Eh we're planning to play some board
Games. Wanna come over?

If His abuela or his parents are okay
with it.

His abuela says it's okay!

Okay! Coming in 10 minutes! Cya!

Cya chlo!


Camilo went to grab the monopoly from upstairs while me, nicho and dean talked.

10 minutes later*

Ooh! Guys my friend is here. Lemme go get that.

You go open the door and let Chloe in. Just in time because Camilo came back with the monopoly!

"Hi.you must be Camilo." Chloe confirmed. "Hey and yeah. You are..?" "I'm Chloe. Chlo for short! " "aight.this is nicho and dean. My buds"

You all sit down and play for hours.

Suddenly Chloe asked. "Hey,if it's fine Could my boyfriend come over? His best friend..which is a girl is coming too...is it fine? "."Yeah sure! " Camilo answered. "Great thanks!!" Chloe happily grabbed her phone and started texting her boyfriend and his bestfriend.

After 15 minutes*

"Oh that would be My boyfriend!!" Chloe eeped and went to open the door. "Hey babe!...Hey diona!.." Chloe greeted and let them in.

After 20 minutes*

We were all laughing and playing games. "So..Babe.i have something to tell you. " Chloe's boyfriend announced. "Oh..uhm yeah..?" I knew she sensed something wrong and so did everyone.
"So...uh..i don't know how to put this nicer but. I've lost feelings.me and diona have been seeing eachother for about a month..." Everyone went silent. I looked at Chloe and she looked like her heart dropped. It even seems like she's been having nightmares about this too. "Get out!" Pepa came pointing at them with a cloud on her head. "This is so lame! Over a guy? Immature. " diona spoke. "I'm sorry. We just have so much in common it just feels right. " Chloe's boyfriend said. "Yeah! I can tell! You both are AWFUL People!" Pepa thundered louder while kicking them out. "Its okay Chlo. You'll find someone better..hes a jerk. You know you have to go through breakups to find the right guy...right? " I comforted Chloe. Pepa bring her some food and water.

Heart Me <3 {Enemys to Lovers} Camilo MadrigalWhere stories live. Discover now