Preparation 1

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"How did you two know each other" Antonio asked as we got into the penthouse.

"Who?" Jennie asked confused.

"Tana" he said.

"Oh, how will i not know her she's our baker for mum birthday"

"I know but you guys talk like two close friends"

"I dont see anything wrong with that, i really like her and she likes me that's all"

''Are you hiding something from me?'' he asked her.

''Nothing, we are just friends''

''You acted in the bakery like you've talked to her multiple times''

Antonio wasn't still contented with what he heard, he's sister is definetly hiding something and he must find out.

''Stop worrying yourself tony am not hiding anything''

''Okay'' he said dropping the topic.''I saw Joshua at the resturant''

''I don't want to talk about it''

''Just move on and forget about him, he doesn't deserve you" Antonio said but his sister was already crying.

''How do you know, it's not like you have ever been in love before'' She said storming out of the stairs they were climbing and entering her room. She wasn't angry at Antonio it's just that it breaks her heart when thinking about the past it made her weak and cry. Antonio walked upstairs to his room while Jennie was in her room making a call.

"Hello" jennie said quietly, she had already stopped crying she wasn't that type of girl who would cry for long, 10 minutes was her maximum.

"Jennie" the man exclaimed "It's been long"

"i know, i need your help with something" Her voice sounded strong,  it was as if she didn't even cry.

"Something like what?"

"I need to know everything about my brother past life"

"Your brother? why not ask him?"

"No it's complicated, just get me information about he's past life and check if there was anyone named Tana related to him"

"Do you have any exact information you need?''

'' i mean yes like if he had a girlfriend, his high school life something like that''

"Ok angel, but you owe me an explanation later"

"Sure, bye" She said hanging up the phone.


"Butter, milk, baking powder, sugar" Tana was checking if the ingredients she bought from the supermarket for the cake were complete.

"Oh'' She exclaimed "I totally forgot about eggs, i have the remaining ingredients in the bakery"

She immediately ran back to the supermartet, Thank God she hadn't gone far just some few blocks. Immediately she entered the supermarket she ran to the egg side thinking which one she should probably take.

"Medium or big?'' She asked herself.

''I think big would be perfect" Someone behind her said, she turned to see.

"Mr. Joshua! your shopping here too?" She asked surprised.

"Yes am here with my niece, i saw you running towards to this direction so i came to say hi"

"That's so nice, where's your niece?"

"Ciara'' he called out, there wasn't any response. "She's a shy type"

"Ciara'' he called out again but this time louder.

"Yes Uncle'' a girl came out but she was looking down shaking a little.

''Hello pretty'' i said to her as i waved but her head was still down.

"Nice meeting you mam'' Ciara said.

"Just call me Tana, how are you doing?'' She raised up her head and smiled a little.

"I'm fine and you"

''Am good angel, how's school?''

''It's stressful but okay"

"You will get use to it, i need to start going" i said packing two packs of eggs.

''Sure, see you later'' Mr. Joshua said. I waved to them and paid my bill, I walked back to the bakery.

"Did you get everything?'' Sylvia asked as i walked to the kitchen.


''Let's get to work then''

I and Sylvia started with baking the cake each of the layers perfectly, We had to make two cakes so it took alot of time but by 3 in the afternoon we were done. Sylvia was tired so i did the cupcakes by my self then preserved it, it took about an hour to finish it. I kept the cakes in a birthday nylon able to cover the two cakes perfectly, then after that i baked cookies for every staff in the bakery then the remaining we gave to the orphanages. Immediately after work both me and sylvia went to the house, took our bath, ate and now were watching a movie on the television.

''Have you talked to Antonio?'' Sylvia asked as she paused the movie we were watching.

''I don't know how to explain everything to him, he's still very angry but i think he's calming now''

''I don't like seeing you cry or down so if you need my help or advice just ask me''

''Sure, i was thinking of telling Jennie maybe she might help'' Sylvia raised an eyebrow as in she didn't believe.

''I don't really like her, are you sure she's trustworthy''

''Am one hundred percent sure about that, she's really nice''

''If you say so, but be very careful around her''

''Sure, it's because you haven't really met her or talk to her but if you did am sure you will love her''

''Am only saying that because of the way Antonio has been treating you''

''Tough times don't last in life except for tough people'' I said making a quote. ''Am sure i will be able to clear the misunderstanding between me and Antonio''

''Okay, am here with you through the end''

Sylvia unpaused the movie and we continued watching after that we prayed and slept.

Quote for today- Tough times don't last except tough people said by my Mathematics Teacher in secondary school - MR.KOREDE

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