Review Of The Past 7

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After some days of spending quality time together we got closer to each other, It turns out Sylvia lives alone since she's having problems with her mum and haven't settled it. She's been pursuing me to come live with her but am sure of that right now, while in the hotel the people were way nice to me like as if I was part of their family the thought of killing my self was slowly dieing in my head, but I was seriously still missing Antonio also Sylvia. Sometimes I even wonder what my stepfamily are you right now, do they miss at all?, Do they regret their actions and maltreatment towards me, and what of Antonio had he forgotten me?, Did he find some other girl?, What of he thinks am dead?, What of Sylvia, does she remember me? I mean SHE CAN'T but what of she doesn't? , So many thoughts in my head now😭.

There was even a time I had a dream of Antonio. He was getting married to someone, I couldn't see the person cause the veil covered her. That was the worst dream so far in my life, I told Sylvia and she seemed unbotherd she said it was me, but that's impossible I have no reasons but I'M AFRAID what of it happens [I mean Antonio once told me that when he had reached 19 he would have to been engaged, he might be engaged].

"Are you crying again?" Sylvia asked coming out of the bathroom.

"No" I said wiping away my tears and looking the other way.

"It's just a dream baby girl" she hugged me from behind."Get over it" She squeezed me a little.


"So that means your moving in with me" she said joyfully, WAIT when did I ever a accept living with her.

"I didn't" she ignored me packing my stuffs, she always does this, Anytime I say the word 'SURE' or 'YES' or 'YEAH' she assumed  I have accepted living with her and I normally stop her but this time I think it's better I move in with her, I mean I have known her for 3 months now and she's been so much help.

"Let me help you" I said coming to assist her with the clothes, she gave me a suprised and shocked face. I smiled at her.

"I hope you don't make me regret my decision" she hugged me tightly before releasing me. We packed everything moving it to her uncle car [her mum seized her car keys so she can't have access to it, her mum has taken everything away from her but thank God the only person who doesn't support the marriage is her Uncle Mr.Jackil.

"Is this where you live" I asked out of curiosity as we entered the house.

"Yes, you don't like it?"

"Of course I do" I said beaming with smiles, the outside may look ancient but the inside was like a palace it was small with a bedroom, sitting & dinning room and kitchen but it was beautiful.

"I knew you would accept that's why I painted the walls plain white cause your so innocent"

"That's so sweet" Mr. Jackil spoke before I could."I need to be somewhere right now" He said hugging and kissing Sylvia cheeks, then doing they same to me. "Take care of yourselves girls" He was like a senior brother to me always looking after me. I missed everyone at the hotel they made me feel loved even Sylvia.

"Thank you so much brother" I said to him. He smiled to me and walked out of the door.

So where do we begin" she said touching her chin.

"Let's start with....."

"Shopping" she shouted

"Renovating" I shouted

"Shopping?, We just got here"

"Exactly, let's do some more shopping"

"Why are you so obsessed with shopping, why not just save the money"

"Okay" she gave a 'You talk too much' face.

"Just lecturing you"

"Well, I love lectures" she said sarcastically.

After moving in with her we became closer than before, she isn't that really stupid but she is and she's very annoying. We found a job at a bakery which gave us enough money for our expenses , I also continued school after so many persuation from Sylvia and her uncle. School wasn't like before because this time I was a little social with the people around me, I made lots of friends who were nice, smart and beautiful.

There was once a time I tried calling Antonio but I regretted that day. I just got back from school and my mine was drifted to Antonio somehow I felt he was in pain and my heart started arching, I laid down facing the ceiling, Why do I suddenly feel worried about him?, Hope he's alright. After thirty minutes of turning and rolling over the bed I decided to give him a call. I dialed his number on my phone slowly and afraid.

"Oh my Goodness, it's ringing" I said shaking.

"Hello" someone answered it. It wasn't Antonio it was a feminine voice but I didn't know who it was . At that moment my heart shattered💔, I suddenly felt weak.

"Hello, who's there?" The voice asked. I immediately cut the phone call as tears flooded my face maybe that was the girl he was engaged to, it couldn't be his mum[it didn't even sound like her].

But so far so good everything has been going well apart from the fact I still missed Antonio and Sofia. I finished the University after studying fashion designing and little of cooking international dishes from my friends. I was actually confused about what to study at first but with the help of Sylvia I found my way out.

    Am happy I met someone like her unless my life would be meaningless all o have to say is NEVER UNDERESTIMATE SOMEONE they might be your helper in the future. And get to know the True and real sides of people before judging them 🤞🏾.

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