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To me nothing pains more than seeing your loved ones in pain or with bruises and injuries all over their body. Seeing their blood with blood, Them being kidnapped, being tied to a chair with the ropes tight that it leaves marks on their body.

I knew she liked me, I knew she cared for me but I never knew it was this intense that she would want to kill for it. I wish Tana never met someone as wicked and useless as her.

For me you can't just get love like that you earn it just like the way Tana earned it. I fell for her at first because she was different, She was so different from all the other girls I have ever met before especially on the first day I saw her in my mum hospital. She was so sweet, shy, cute precisely when she blushed.

Then we started talking in class and I don't know want came over me that I kissed her but am happy I did unless she would have left the school. Since then I have always been falling for her every single day, who wouldn't?, She's beautiful, calm, smart, has a nice personality and she's even the greatest cook and Baker I know. Don't tell my mum I said that😅

And now she's inside the operating theatre having an operation and I just pray it goes safely. I wanted to go inside with her and hold her hand as they performed the surgery but the doctors refused.

Immediately I carried her in my arms entering the car, my heart was shattered and it's still. She looked dead to Me and her nose and mouth were just bleeding she was loosing much blood but I couldn't do anything, if I had closed her nose she might die and I can't just put all my fingers inside her mouth she might feel uncomfortable. I guess it's one of the effect of the injection Christina gave her.

I couldn't help not to cry, I can't be strong without her. My mum, Sofia and a woman we met are having their checkups now by a doctor same goes for both me and Carlos men.
My brother, James, Carlos and I we are all here waiting.

One of the doctor finally comes out of the operating theatre/room.

"Does she have any relative with you?" He asked.

"No, she's the only one. Why do you ask?"

"We need blood, urgently" She must have lost so much blood.

"Then use mine" I said.

"Are you related to her?" The doctor asked.

"Am her boyfriend, please just take my blood" I insisted.

"Let's go for a test first" The doctor recommended.

"Sure" I agreed.

We are in another part of the hospital as the doctor does some tests.

"We will need a huge amount of blood. Do you really want to donate?" The doctor asked. I have a lot of hope, this means my blood can go with her blood.

"Yes I will, just take as much as you need" I answered immediately.

"She's in a very critical condition as we are speaking, I don't really know whether she can make it" Those words started making me mad a little, what is he trying to say? That she's going to die or what?

The doctor got to work, taking my blood and putting it into something like a white-transparent blood bag.

After that, I went back to the waiting space. My brother was making a call to his wife, James was actually sleeping am sure it has been days he slept cause I've been putting him through much. Carlos was nowhere to be found, I wonder where he went to.

I stood up from my chair when Carlos was not back after twenty minutes.

"Where are you going?" My brother asked.

"Carlos, I need to find him" He has been so helpful and I haven't said thank you and he has lost his sister, I never even got to know how where his mum went when my brother followed her.


"What about his mum"

"She's dead" I gave him a shocked and confused look."I think you should ask Carlos to explain that"

"Sure" I said walking to look for Carlos. Where could he be? I went round the hospital asking for him but they said they didn't know, I went downstairs checking if his car was still parked. Thank God it was still there, I walked to it looking over to the driver seat to my surprise he was there, he looked sad.

I tried to opened the door handle of the seat beside the driver seat, it didn't open. I knocked on the window, he looked over to me surprised, am sure he didn't notice me when I passed or he was shocked to see me.

He unlocked the car as I entered.

"Is she awake?" I could hear the tone of 'Yes please' in his voice. I nodded sadly.

"I just finished donating blood for her, she's in a very critical condition according to the doctor"

"Sorry about everything, I've never fell in love with anyone before so I don't know how to comfort you but I just hope she recovers fastly"

"Thanks and you don't need to be in love to understand what am going through, try comparing it to the love you had for your father"

"Yeah, you know maybe I should find myself a woman get married and have children than sleeping around with girls" He said as he smiled.

"You should definitely, so you don't contact any kind of infections" I said as we both laughed a little.

"Am sorry about your sister and I heard about your mum. Sorry about that too"

"It's okay, it's not like I was treated like a actual son or brother in the house and besides I don't think she's my real mother"

"Sorry about that, sometimes I miss your father more than mine" I said sadly. "If she's isn't your mum then who is?"

"Another woman we met there, but am not really sure. I will need to confirm first"

"Sure" Silence took the air cause I didn't know what to say. And it was weird cause normally we're arguing and fighting.

"In case you feel lonely my mum can also be your mum so feel free to talk to her"

"Thanks. You know Tana is a rare gem, you hardly find that type of gem anywhere so keep and guard her"

"I will, and I hope you come across one too maybe a better one"

"That's impossible" he said with a smile.

"I've been observing her and the truth is that I've never met a girl like her. She's sweet, humble, nice, courageous and many others"

"So you fell for her?" I asked being confused , he's talking like he loves her and am feeling a bit of jealousy.

"A little" He looked over to me smiling wanting to see my reaction.

"She's mine" I said firmly as he started laughing.

I can't believe we sat and talked to each other like this with saying 'Thanks' and 'sorry' very abnormal if you ask me.

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