Getting Into Action 2

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"What's that?" I asked unsure.

"I think it's a dog" Gabriel said walking forward to where the sound was coming.

"Should we shoot it?" Ben asked.

"No" Sofia shouted before I could answer.
"Carlos said she was with a dog maybe it's this one" She said also walking towards the sound.

I saw a puppy coming towards me, and it jumped at me. I fell to the ground cause I didn't expect that.

I looked at it's face, there was a paper in it's mouth. I took it, as it sat on my lap and I sat properly on the ground.

It read

'Hi, am Tana. I was kidnapped by some men who were sent by Christina Navata. I'm probably dead by now so don't bother to look for me, Christina claims I stole Antonio from her but she's mistaken I didn't even know she loved him in the first place. Please anyone who reads this get justice for my life, I would never want to die by the hands of Christiana and let her go free. And if you can give this to Antonio, I just want to let you know I love you and I tried to survive but I can't keep going on. Life has never been fair to me and maybe I should accept my death I mean I've always wanted to die. I feel dead already especially mentally and emotionally.

Please don't think too much about me, also tell Sofia and Sylvia I love them. And also please fix Sofia relationship with Stephen she deserves to be happy. And the puppy who delivered this note her name is Brittany, take good care of her like she's a human being.'

I suddenly became weak, as I felt my eyes get blurry. Was she really dead, why did she give up?, Didn't she care for me, It was because of her I woke up from the coma and know she wants give up on me.

"What did it say?" My mum asked, I handed her the paper as tears started falling from my eyes.

"I thought she loved me" It came out of my mouth as a whisper but Sofia heard it.

She sat down on the ground besides me.

"She does. She's been through so much since her mum died and you know she's tried suicide so may times. She loves you more than anything in the world maybe she just can't bear for you to see her in pain cause it hurts you"

"Does this mean she's dead?" I asked as more tears fell from my eyes.


The dog started barking loudly before Sofia could finish what she wanted.

Then it started running for about three seconds then stopped and looked back. It titled it's head a little to the left and started barking again.

"I think it wants us to follow it" Ben suggested, I agreed with him.

"Let's follow the dog" I shouted, as the dog started running and we all followed behind.

After some minutes of running the dog stopped as we also stopped. It started barking walking to a side and stopped.

I looked around,someone must have been here. They was a bag on the ground, I picked it and opened it. They were a lot of things inside like a gun, water bottle, a small bag of chips, a matches and pictures.

How does these things have to do with Tana?, I gave the bag to Ben and I bent down touching the ground they were little blood stsins. I shifted my gaze to the left where I saw another gun, an idea popped to my head.

"Brittany" I called out to the dog, it looked at me with a wide open eyes at first then walked towards me.

"I want you to smell this gun, and trace it to who ever owns it" I said pointing to the gun, it sat on the ground starring at me confused. Who am I kidding? A dog can't understand me.

My mum walked over to the dog, bending to it's level. She tickled it a little and it laughed, then she brought the gun to her face smelling it and acted like she was trying to trace the smell. The dog did the same thing, it smelt the gun then raised his head trying to get where the smell went to and it started barking. It ran again as we followed behind.


We've been driving for the pass one hour and am getting frustrated cause we're not getting anywhere and I hate being in the car for long.

Why is she taking this route?, Doesn't she know it's illegal, Or does she know. Fuckkk

"The brake isn't moving" James who was driving said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"It's just static" He said trying to press the brake but it didn't move. My phone started ringing I thought it would be Antonio or Tony but it was my sister. I hesitated at first to pick it but I eventually did.

"What do you want?" I spoke through the phone.

"Do you think your smart?" She asked. "I'm not going to give a fuck that your my brother, if anyone tries to get in my way I will personally kill you"

"Your not going to get away with this"

"I'm already, and just so you know Tana is with me and am going to make her die a slow and painful death, then after that I will kill Jennie, then Sofia. I have a lot of people to kill on my list"

"You better don't touch anyone, isn't killing dad enough" I said angrily.

"Fuck you bitch" She said as she caught the phone. As I looked up I immediately saw that we hit a tree and the car back flipped causing it landing downwards.

"I hate you" I whispered as I came out of the car. The others also came out of the car helping others.

I phoned Antonio immediately.

"Is everything alright?" He asked worried.

"My sister knows I'm onto her, Tana is with her and she's still alive. If I don't make it just help me murder my sister and dump her body in the middle of the road.

"What's that suppose to mean, where ....." I hanged up the phone as he tried to talk.

Another black car rode and stopped beside us, we all got inside obviously we have a backup plan.

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