: chapter - 10

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— 🛒 : chapter 10
Authors notes: supeeerrr frustrating if u guys have
ever been in a bad relationship and hints of gaslighting and rlly bas arguments, ch 11 will still be angsty but after the remaining chapters this is only the semi climax, dw, there will be happy moments for Jungwon!
📌 — wordcount : 1357 words.


Jungwon sighs, ringing the doorbell as he
Walks into Heeseung's apartment as he notices the
Older laying on the couch looking quite under the
Weather than usual.

"What's wrong? I came here as soon as I could."
Jungwon mutters out.

"Nothing, I just.. Whatever, it's nothing, sorry. You
Didn't need to come here anymore." Heeseung mumbles
As Jungwon's frustrations grew, "I .. I literally ditched my plans For you Heeseung? You can't just tell me nothing's wrong when Clearly something's bothering you." Jungwon mumbles.

"Just go. It's fine." Heeseung says.

"I thought we were going to fix this together? Now you're
Just gonna go..?-- Heeseung.." Jungwon scoffs, "Can you
Please tell me what's up? I can't just go now.." Jungwon

"I just.. You're gonna get mad at me if i'm gonna just
Say this now, it's useless." Heeseung says frustratedly
As Jungwon most likely pops a vein as soon as Heeseung
Says that, his anger brewing inside of him.

"Yah. Lee Heeseung. Maybe I will get mad but you
Making me come over for nothing is even worse than
What you'll probably say? I.. I don't even know why I
Came here!--"

"Fucking fine! I'm upset that you're having a good time with
Jay!" Heeseung yells.

"What.. You.. you made me come here to tell
Me that!?" Jungwon exclaims.

"See what I said?"

"No no you will hear me out Heeseung, I thought you were
Fine with me going out with him, and it's not that I even fucking Like him anymore Hee! Why do I have to always explain I love you, I really do! But you always cant seem to see that because of you partying Every single fucking time I need yo–"

"Oh really?! Im the one who's at fault now!? You're always
So desperate for this Jay guy to come home when I can't even think straight! I'm always drinking and drinking because I'm so stressed about work and you can't eve–"

"The only reason I even agreed to him and his lunch outing was so we could formally become friends again! Can exes not be friends!? Surely you're friends with yours you fucking.. I can't , I Can't anymore Heeseung, I love you so much but God!—  You just can't seem to see it at all!" Jungwon yells as he tears up, his eyes watering As few drops roll down his cheek.

"You're always angry at me like this when you don't even have Enough of a reason and I know myself that you don't eve–"

"I do always comfort you Heeseung! You just don't see it because you're always coming home drunk and wailing about how you didn't even drink.. You never remember what I do for you, sometimes, I even have to do your stupid projects for Youngseoul just for you to rest! You never remember just how much I try just for you! Even if I hate your habits!"


"Enough! Do you know just how much you've done? I've tried everything, everything Heeseung. But why can't you do that for me? Did I love you too hard? Or is it me? I always have tried, I always have!" Jungwon yells and screams, his voice hoarse as He cried his frustrations out as his tears couldn't stop falling out.

Heeseung sighs, looking at Jungwon who's already having an emotional Breakdown, what a ruined good day, "I really ruined everything huh?" Jungwon


"I.. ruined, everything, because I wanted to have a day off?" Jungwon asks.

"Is it all my fault now?" Jungwon asks, "No.. That's not it, Jungwon I–"

Heeseung mutters as he notices Jungwon's solemn stare at him as his Words in his mouth disappear.

"You know what, just go at this point, I don't care anymore."

"Even now, I still fucking love you to the point you can't see it." Jungwon cries, hiccuping as he walks away from Heeseung going

To the door as the older tries to grab his wrist,

"Jungwon I'm–"

"Forget it, your sorries are never completed or
Promised." Jungwon cries.

"I'm sorry, Heeseung." Jungwon looks at him for a bit before
He opens the door and slams it infront of the older's face as he walks Out of Heeseung's apartment building.

Jungwon's face with tears could only barely see
What was around him as he looks to his contacts and
Sees what he thinks was Sunoo's number, ringing it up.


"Yes..? Wait, Jungwon, this isn-"

"Sunoo, please, please come to my
House." Jungwon asked as his voice
Was clearly at it's breaking point.

"Um– Jungwon I- I'll go there but this isn't–"
Jungwon cries, hanging up on his contact as he runs as
Fast as he could to his house that was nearby Heeseung's
Building, running was the only thing he could do in his mind
At this point.

He stopped by the door as he was met with a car abruptly
Going behind him as he heard a window unroll, his shaking
Hands holding his house keys as he barely unlocked it.
"Jungwon?" Someone asks from behind him as

Jungwon quickly turns around.

"Sun–... Jay..?" Jungwon asks as he tries to wipe his
Tears away, realizing who he called wasn't Sunoo, but
Jay himself, "Jungwon..? What's wrong?" Jay asks as
Jungwon slowly walks up to Jay who was looking at
Jungwon in shock.

All the younger could do was hug Jay tightly as he
Sobbed, he cried and cried as he clinged onto Jay,
"Won.." Jay mumbled.

He didn't know why, but being in Jay's arms again
Somehow comforted him as he let all his frustrations
Out as he screamed and bawled onto Jay.

"Let's go inside Won.." Jay mumbled as he helps the crying
Younger move inside as he closes the door for Jungwon, the
Younger immediately dropping to his knees along with Jay as The older's back was pressed onto the door, still feeling Jungwon Cling onto him as his sobs and hiccups were

"Jungwon, are you alright? What's wrong?"
Jay asks as Jungwon silently hiccuped, nuzzling
His face into Jay's chest as his shirt was practically
Soaked, Jay sighs, petting and ruffling Jungwon's hair
As he traced circles on the younger's back to
Soothe him.

"J–Jay.." Jungwon muttered out as Jay smiles
Silently, "Are you alright? Do you wanna talk
About it now?" Jay asks.

"I'm so tired." Jungwon mumbles, "I know I know..
You don't need to tell me anything, just cry everything
Out." Jay says.

"It hurts so bad Jay. Everything I do is not going to end up in a Happy ending that i've wanted, it's just all crumbling apart.." Jungwon sobs, "I–i i don't know what to do. It feels terrible, it Hurts so much." Jungwon cried and cried, how long of a week It's been yet he couldn't do anything about it, as much as he Tried, nothing could work.

"What's wrong? Did anything happen with Heeseung?"
Jay asks as Jungwon hesitantly nods.

"Everything went wrong.." Jungwon cried, "Even when y–you were Not here, it was so difficult to manage anything with Heeseung, I–I Love him so much but I can't do anything, I–I've never felt so fucking Useless!" Jungwon bawled out.

"Shhhh shh it's okay it's okay Jungwon, you're fine okay?
Please rest, you're shaking.." Jay says as he feels Jungwon's
Whole body shaking, the younger is completely numb from being Overwhelmed.

"Just cry everything out." Jay says as he helps Jungwon
Dump out all of his frustrations, he couldn't care less if his
Shirt was soaked, all he wanted was for Jungwon to be okay.

How many times do you have to struggle Jungwon?

And I can't even say sorry because of how
Much you hate it.



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