Chapter 1

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Robert's Apartment

Im about to walk out from the shower but then I heard some noise from my dresser, I wrap myself with towel and walk form my shower. It was my wife, Andy.
"Finally, she's out from bed"
I said in my heart.

RS: Hey, good morning.

I smile to her and lean a kiss on top of her head.

AH: Hey, good morning to you to. Im looking for my crew shirt, have you seen mine?

RS: Just wear mine, I like it when you wear mine.

AH: I know you like it and I love it to, it makes me feel safe. But Im ready to be back at work. So I need my crew shirt. Can you help me find it, please.

I made a puppy eyes so that Robert could help me.

RS: Are sure, you ready to be back at work?

I ask here. Because last week, her father die due to the cancer. It broke her heart and it broke mine to seeing her like that. She didn't even talk to anyone during the funeral, the only word that came to her mouth for eulogy were few words than she felt numb, Im not able to cuddle her because of our secret marriage.

"Dad, thank you for your service. Thank you for being the best father I could ask for, Im so greatful to have you as my dad. I love you and I ..."
That's it when she got numb vic who knows about our marriage, help her went down and sit. She put her head on her shoulders and then Lucas, help her to continue reading the eulogy.

AH: Yeah, Im ready.

I said with a smile on my face.

AH: Thank you for staying with me and not going anywhere for the whole last week.

RS: I'll do anything in my power to be with you in whatever situation babe. I love you.

I put my big hand on her face and slowly brush my thumb on her small cheek. I look into her eyes, Im about to kiss her

AH: As much as I want our lips to be connected, I need to shower and get ready for work, since you've done shower why don't you make me your delicious smoothie and pancakes with berries for our breakfast.

RS: Okey, this is weird request but nevermind I'll do it. So, I see you downstairs.

AH: I'll see you there

Once Andy got the shower I put on my clothes

RS: Babe, I found you crew shirt. I put it inside you overnight bag.

AH: Alright, thank you.

I go downstairs and starts making a pancakes. "She never ask me to make a smoothies before"
I said it to myself. Even with pancakes she will drink a fresh milk, but its okey I love making smoothies for her.

While Robert making a breakfast, I open the cabinet under the sink and grab a pregnancy test kit. I just realise that I am a month late and this never happen to me. We never talk about kids yet since we just got married 2 months ago. I know that he wanted a kid, He told me before when someone drop a baby infront of our station. Its not that I dont want it to, it just that having a kid somehow makes me terrified. I have no idea how to be a good mother, my mom died when I was 1, so dad took care of me alone so I basicly grown up at the station.
I look at the pregnancy test 'positive' without realizing my tears fall.
"Im going to be a mom and Robert going to be a dad"
I told myself and rub my flat stomach.

RS: Babe, are you done?

AH: Yeah, in a minute.

I hide the test in the cabinet and wrap myself with towel and go out to get dress

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