Chapter 5 - i

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RS: I still can't get over on how we ended up getting married. You hate me first because I steal your job.

AH: I didn't hate you btw, you just hard to get to know.

RS: Okey so its our pillow talk, lets tell each other about our on view of how we get married starting from our first kiss. Wildfire don't play nice.

AH: Yeah I hate you that time.

RS: So.. You did hate me

AH: I didn't hate you from the begining, I hate you after the wildfire thing happen. I realise that I never stop loving you since Ryan died.

RS: Okey, tell me everything about your story. I won't judge or anything, I will love you because it's past and now you here, with me and carring those little humans.

I put my hands of her stomach, then kiss it. She then kiss me on cheeck.

AH: Im going to tell you everything. I love you and always love you.

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LR: Good job 19. For that I will give you 2 days off, so have a good rest.

Team: Thanks, Chief.

MB: Hey Andy, since we have days off. I'll be hang out with my girlfriend at her home. So I'll see you in two days.

AH: Alright then, maybe I'll be staying at my dad's, Ryan will be there to.

I was the only person that left there, well I thought I was.

RS: You still here Herrera?

AH: I left my beg inside.

RS: So umm.. You know the pool was our second near death experince, and I want to say something..

AH: I want to say something to.

RS: Right. What do you want.

Just then our eyes met. Andy walk to me then she kissed me on my lips, she put her hands around my neck. One of my hand cupped her face and other one on her waist. We break the kiss and laughed. I kiss her back we managed to get in my office without breaking a kiss. I still holding on her waist, still kissing her, I then moved down to her neck and find her weak spot, she then let a soft moan. I unbuckled her belt, we then walked to my bunk. She took of my shirt the push me on my bed, she got on top of me naked chest and began to kiss, suddenly she stop.

AH: Im going to lock the door.

As she lock the door my leg started to hurt. When she got back I kick her out.

AH: Everything okey?

RS: Herrera, I think it's best for you to go.

AH: Oh, okey.

She then left and the pain was gone to. When the pain was gone, I put back my shirt and she walked pass my office with a tear on her eyes. I tried to chase her but its to late.


I shouted, slamed the door and puched my office wall. I regreted. I should let her stay, I should let her know.

Robert's word keep playing in my mind. He kiss me back I thought he felt the same, but I was wrong, he kick me out. He just kick me out. I went straight to my dad.

Pruitt's house

PH: Andrea, ¿estás bien?
(Andrea, are you okey)

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