Chapter 4

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Master bedroom

Robert are going to have his surgery next week. Im nothing but proud of him. He is willing to try everything to get better and to me he wasn't an addict, he just afraid of people watching him weak. I look at him and he is so calm. Its still early in the morning, I don't know why I woke up an hour before the alarm. But its a good thing, I can finally watching my husband sleeping and he is so perfect. I run my hands along his cheast moving up to his chin, jawline and finally his lip, it soft. He start moving, his eyes slowly open and he smile.

AH: Moring babe.

RS: Morning, how long have you been woke up?

AH: About 30 minutes.

RS: Why didn't you wake me to?

AH: Because Robert it 5:30 am. We have about 30 minutes to get ready and go work.

We look at each other and being silent for 5 minutes before he start talking, but before that he hold my hands. I know there's something he want to ask.

AH: Robert whatever it is, just tell me.

RS: Okey, I didn't want to fight with you. But I really need to know about you and Gibson, it's past. I know but...

AH: But... Okey I'll tell you. The first time he propose me was when my dad still a captain. But I reject it because the idea of getting married at that time was not my intention.

RS: Yeah. You told me about that before. But the second time?. You never told me that.

AH: That one was the time when I came to you and told you that you are my safest place. We was a roomie and he thought that I still love him but he was wrong, I never love him. I once loved Ryan but I always love you.

RS: And I will always love you. Thank you for telling me. Im sorry if Im forcing you.

AH: No, you are right. I should told before you know from others.

The alarm went off. I still on the bed, Robert get up from the bed, he was totally naked. I look at him and bite my lip. He then turn around and look at me.

RS: You know that we can save water by shower together.

AH: I like the idea.

They went to the shower together and get dress up. They both went staright to the station and have breakfast there.


RS: Good morning 19. What's for breakfast today?

VH: What just happen?

Im not the one who felt this, others to. When I look, like really look at him. I notice nothing.

AH: Vic, are you just sexsually scanning my husband.

Just then Lucas come in.

LR: She did what?

AH: So your wife just sexsually looking at my tall, hot and handsome husband here.

I said as I put my hand around his waist and the other one on his chest

VH: I am not. I just looking for a hickey because he is so wierd this morning.

RS: I only ask 'What's for breakfast this morning?'

LR: Okey, that is wierd.

AH: It is not. Come on guys, he is trying here.

MB: Okey, for breakfast we are going to make scramble eggs and bacon. For lunch we plan to make mac and cheese.

AH: Thank you Maya. You are the best.

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