Chapter 5 - ii

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LR: Line up in 5

Today is the day that I announced the new Captain of 19. I wanted it to be Herrera but she didn't showed up or even answer a call. It should be her. As all of them are there, I began to announced.

LR: I've decide to make Bishop as a new Captain of 19.

MB: Thank you sir for giving me this opportunity, I won't upset you. Okey guys, nothing will change even Im your Captain I'll be the Maya Bishop that you love.

They congratulate me then I assign their job. The shift was nothing its only a few call for Aid Car. Then we all went back home. When I arrived, I saw Andy packing up her things.

Maya's apartment

MB: So you moving?

AH: Yes Maya. Im moving.

MB: Are you angry with me? Andy I didn't mean to took this job from you.

AH: Maya, listen. Im not angry with you, but I can't stayed here anymore. This place remind me to Ryan. So I have to move, I wanted to stay with you, Vic and Carina here. But I really can't.

I cried, then Maya hug me and tell me it's okey as long as we still be friends. After I completed packing up I put everything inside my car and drove to my new apartment it was only a few blocks from my work place and Im staying with Jack.

Jack's apartment

JG: Welcome home rommie. This is your key and this is your room. Even I've seen you naked, and I don't mind watching you naked here, you still owned toilet in the room. Because you are women and you still need your 'privacy'.

As I heard Jack's welcome speech, I took the key and start organizing my things. Later that night, I can't sleep so I knocked Jack's room.

AH: Jack, are you sleeping.

With sleepy voice he open his door and answer me.

JG: Yeah Andy, it's 2 in the moring.

AH: Im sorry, but I can't sleep. Can I sleep with you? Just for tonight.

JG: Yeah. Come in.

We laid together and sleep. I still keep on waking up, I don't know why. When Im at Robert's I manage to sleep, even in a separated rooms. Just then I realize that, I can't hate him. I fall in love with him and I hate it. In the morning, I went to the work early. I went to the kitchen to make coffee. Then Robert came in.


RS: So you moving?

AH: How did you know?

RS: I came to Bishop's last night, but she said that you no longer stayed with them. I thought you move back to your dad.

AH: Im sorry Chief, this is not your bussines.

RS: Andy..

AH: We kissed. But that doesn't mean you can call me with first name basics, Chief Sullivan.

It broke my heart when she said that. Maybe this is what she felt, when I kick her out that time. She then walk away from me. I manage to grab her hand and pull her together with me, we going up to ther rooftop. Since shift start in an hour and it just us there so it's safe, nobody saw us.


RS: Yell

AH: What?

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