Chapter 8

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Surrera Apartment's

I am so greatful and glad that today, Lucas and Robert will be back home. Yesterday, was easy for me and team to taking care of Andy but today, this morning her hormones won't give us cooperation.

VH: Andy, are you done?

I knock her room then I hear she is crying. I open the door and she's still in her towel.

VH: Hey what's wrong?

AH: I can't fit my pants anymore. I need to wear a dress but then I need to wear bra and panties which makes me more uncomfortable.

She cry more. I grab my phone and call Robert because I seriously can't handle 'Pregnent Crying Andy' I left her for a minute then she start to snap at me.


VH: For god sake Andy, Im trying to get your husband on phone so that we won't be late to work.

AH: Why are mad at me!

She cry again, just then Robert answer my call


RS: Why are you yelling at me? What happen? Why is she crying so loud? What did you do? I tol..

I cut him off

VH: SERIOUSLY?! First im not yelling at you, second I can't help your wife, third she's crying because she can't fit her pants and she have wear dress without anyting beneath it. Forth, I tried to calm her down but then she snap at me so, Robert Sullivan go make it up for her right this moment or me and your wife will be late at work.

He just laugh and ended the call. Then Andy's phone ringing, I guess it's Robert so I get down stairs to get her breakfast and pills ready.

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I drive Andy's car to the station, when she get in the car, she quickly fallen into sleep. I give a heads up to Travis and Dean to not talk or say anything about Andy's outfit. But then Beckett, I really want to punch him.

SB: Wow, pregnent mama can't fit her pants ha?

He burst into laugh then Andy quickly walk to Robert's and slam the door.

VH: Did you know how hard is it for me to calm her down, to get her ready for work?!

SB: Come on it just a silly joke, dont be to soft.

VH: Silly joke? Being soft? Hah.. Now I finally understand why she call you pain in the ass.

SB: Correction, its pleasure in the ass. She enjoyed having me last time, when we first met.

RS: Said it again.

I am suprise that he is here. We all are suprise, he should be here by the end of the shift.

VH: Chief...

SB: Oh come on, Sullivan. We both are the same.

RS: It's Chief Sullivan, and no. We never be the same. What you and her had that time was nothing.

SB: You sure about that? Cause I think we had the best sex ever as I can recalled.

I lost my patience, I push him to the wall and about to punch him but then Andy come down to the reception.

AH: Robert. Please stop.

I let him go after I come back my sense or more like, Andy ask me to. If not I think I punch him to death.

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