Chapter 10

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Andy and Robert just finish putting clothes and other thing in the closet. Today, Andy had to be admit at the hospital since she already 8 months pregnant. They can't believe that soon, they will be parents of four boys.

RS: Hey boys, I can't wait to see you. Please come out faster.

AH: Really babe?!

RS: Hahaha okey, take your sweet time boys. No matter what I love you and I love your mom so much.

I kiss her belly then I kiss her.

RS: Get some rest, Im going to grab lunch. Do you want anything?

AH: Yeah, I want you.

RS: Andy baby, we are at the hospital now, where the door can't be lock.

AH: No, I want you to call a doctor now because my water just broke.



Dr.Riley come to check on Andy, then take her to the operation room to perform c-section

2 Hours later

N: Mr. Sullivan, are you ready to meet your wife and babies?

RS: Yes I am.

The second I get in the room, I give a lots of kiss to my wife.

RS: I can't thank you enough for giving me this bundles of joy, baby.

AH: They are all beautiful and I am so out numbers.

The nurse come in with the babies and peads doctor come along.

AK: Nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan, I am Dr. Karev, I'll be your boys doctor.

RS: Nice to meet you too. Is there anything we should know about our babies?

AK: There are all fine and I have to say that, they are one of the strongest preemies.

RS: What I have to say, like mother, like son.

AK: In two weeks, they all can be home. I'll see you in my next round.

RS: Thank You Dr. Karev.

AH: Robert we have to tell the team.

RS: I already tell them, they will come tomorrow before shift start.

AH: I love you Robert Sullivan

RS: I know.

AH: That's it now. 'I know'

I kiss her and whisper something that make her smile.

The next day

The team come to visit Andy and babies

VH: Hello there hot mama

AH: Well hello there Mrs. Ripley.

TM: Hey Andy, you good?

AH: Hey Travis, Im good.

PM: Auntie Annie, where is my baby brother and Uncle Obert?

AH: Your baby brothers and Uncle Robert on the here. Come sit with me.

Just then Robert and the babies come in.

RS: All right guys, meet your nephews.

Team: Ouh my god, there are all beautiful.

VH: Name reveals!

AH: Yes its time so, here we go.

Robert take the first baby.

AH: This is Ryan Randy Herrera Sullivan.

TM: Randy. Wow you put your couple names.

RS: We did. It means that we both will always be together.

Robert put Ryan back and take the second baby.

RS: This is Phillips Randy Herrera Sullivan

BM: They way he put his hand like that, I can feel that he will be mini Andy.

AH: Hey all of them is mini Robert! Im out number here.

They all laugh.

AH: This third baby is, Howard Randy Herrera Sullivan.

RS: This last one. For now, Steven Randy Herrera Sullivan.

PM: My baby brothers are all cute.

DM: They are. Are you happy Pru?

PM: I am. When there are bigger, I can play with them and they will protect me because I am their only sister.

RS: I will make sure that they will protect you Pru.

LR: Im sorry, Im late. Wow they are beautiful and uff their hair just like you Andy.

AH: Hahaha... That is the only thing I pass on them, but Robert you do know I love your bald head.

RS: I know and trust me you hair is not the only thing that you pass to them. I do believe that either one of them will take you attitude.

VH: When that happen, Sullivan. You will be so out number.

BM: I hope that just one of them.

TM: What if all four of them

RS: Well if that happens, I need to be a little stern I guess

AH: Hello, btw the person you talk about is here and if they have my attitude, I am so proud of that. I like to mess around and you, Robert Sullivan will love their attitude and bear with it like you always did to me.

RS: I will babe.

They all then take turns to hold the babies, take pictures and then went to the station.

RS: I can't wait to be home and start our new journey together.

AH: The boys is our source of love now. No matter what happen in the future, just remember that we made the boys with love, respect and support.

RS: I love you so much Andrea Herrera-Sullivan.

AH: I know that you know, I love you so much too Robert Sullivan.

Im sorry this take so long. Enjoy my last chapter for this story. I will be working on the new story of Surrera soon. Keep supporting me 🙆🏻‍♀❤.

Twitter: nradly_


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