Chapter 2

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At the station

I can hear the engine are coming in, that means there are back and Im so nervous so I quickly walk to the rooftop, I really need to vent for awhile.

MB: Alright guys, lets take a fresh shower and rip off this nasty smoke smell from our body. Then we will start making an arrangment for spaghetti dinner.

Team: Yes Cap!

BW: Wait, where's Herrera?

TM: Aren't she should be at front desk?

VH: Yeah she should.


JG: Dude, come on she must be at the toilet. Come guys, stop freaking out. She's Herrera, she must be somewhere around here.

MB: His right. Lets take a shower first and she'll be here later.

VH: What about you guys go first, I'll find her.

RS: Find who?

LR: Hello there and 19!

VH: Hi ba.. Ermm I mean, hi Chief Ripley and Chief Sullivan. Where are looking for Lieutenant Herrera.

RS: Oh she's back to.

MB: Yeah she's back and she's on desk duty today. How was your week off Chief?

I ask it on purpose when I see a hickey on his neck. It looks fresh like he did this morning. We don't know anything about his private life because he didn't open up to us like Ripley and Vic. The only thing that we knew about him are, his wife died 15 years ago, he likes to make smooties and it is good. He make for us once when Andy force him to eat with us. Last, he is more close to Andy then us.

RS: It's great.

I smile, it's true. I got spent my whole week holding, cuddling, sponing and not to mention having a great sex with my gorgeous wife. I look down and chuckle then when I look up back all of them making a weird face. I rarely smile at work but everytime I remembered Andy, I can't do nothing but smile or chuckled.

LR: Okey. Go shower people. I already inform the dispatch that we are closing our station untill tomorrow morning. B, C and D shift will come soon to help you guys.

RS: Hughes, my office.

The others go to the shower. Vic followed Robert and Lucas to the office.

Robert's office

VH: Is it Chief Sullivan and Chief Ripley talk or Robert and Lucas talk now?

LR: It's him

RS: It's Robert and Lucas.

Robert said it as he lock the door and turn down all the blinds.

RS: Andy told me this morning that she wanted to tell the whole team about our marriage. So I am going to give her this.

I opend up my drawer and take a medium size of grey velvet box and open it. It's a neckless with simple ring that have our name. I wanted to give her during our first monthsary but then she told me that she is not a ring kind of person. I improvise it and make it as a neckless, so that she can wear it all the time.

VH: Oh my god, that is so beautiful. Hubby, I want it to.

It's beautiful, I can't believe that our former Captain Fire Grinch are so romantic.

LR: Ouh.. Come on Robert, you showing off.

RS: Im not, I just wanted to know her opinion. She is the only person that know about me and Andy.

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