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At dark night 4 figures of girls standing there pointing there guns towards a man who is begging them to have mercy on him

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At dark night 4 figures of girls standing there pointing there guns towards a man who is begging them to have mercy on him.

Man: Please let me go I'll never betray the queen again.
??1: You have done the biggest mistake
??2: By betraying us and the queen.
??3: You have to pay for it.
??4: Now you have to die.
{Through earpiece}
??3: Queen can we kill him now.
Queen: Yeah, give him the worst death that will make everyone afraid and they will not dare to betray us .
(Said the person in dark voice)

After that scream of that man and gun shots was the only thing that was heard.

??2: Queen he's dead, our work is done.
Queen:Yeah, Come back and rest now let me do the rest. Tell the guards to clean up the mess without leaving any evidence.
??4: Yeah Queen.
Queen: Now, comeback and rest and eat something you guys must be tired. Now let take that fucking gang down. They have messed up with the wrong person.(give devilish smirk)

{They cut the call}

??1: They have to suffer for betraying and attacking the queen.(said the person in dark voice)
??4:Jisso Unnie let's go I'm tired as hell now. My body hurts by fighting with all his guards. Ahhhhhhh..........
Jisoo: Yeah yeah Lisa let's go. Come on Rose and Jennie.
Rose: Yeah I also need rest. Let's go.
Jennie: Yeah Unnie.
Lisa:Then let's go.

Meanwhile at Queen's base-

Queen: Alisha Unnie get my outfits,guns and knifes ready. I'm gonna show them what happens when you try to attack the queen. I'm gonna take their whole gang down.(Laughs)
Alisha: Yeah Queen your outfits are ready and all the equipments you'll need during fight are also ready.
Queen: Good
Alisha: Queen you should take some guards with you if something happens what we will do then.
Queen: Alisha Unnie don't worry they are not my match they can't do anything to me.
Alisha:But still Queen you're the Mafia Queen and we have to protect you.
Queen: I know Unnie you're worried but as you said I'm Mafia Queen and I'm the most feared mafia in Korea no one is able to do anything to me and even if they try they will have to face the consequence of messing up with queen and her gang The Dark Pheonix and about me going alone don't worry you know this is not new for me I have done this many times but still you say the same thing everytime.And I know you care alot. Same for Blackpink unnie are also same like you they don't want me go alone but I told them not to worry and also I'm having a backup plan, if I fail to take them down on my own my mens will be ready to attack then. So don't worry okay.
Alisha:Oh that's good then. Fighting.
Queen: Hahaha unnie you're so childish yeah yeah okay, Fighting.

Ring Ring ( ringing of phone is heard)
Queen see the caller ID and give a small sigh. In caller ID it shows mom queen pick up the phone.

Mom:Y/n where are you . When will you come back home . You are still not at home.(with voice of concern)

{Queen will be written as Y/n now and mom will be written as Y/m}

Y/n: Mom don't worry I'm with Blackpink unnies. Did u forget I told you about it.
Y/m:Oh sorry sorry, I forgot I don't know what's wrong with my memory. Well where are they are they ok. It's been a whole month they didn't come to meet me.
Y/n: Yeah mom they are okay. Don't worry okay. They are just too busy with companies these days so they weren't able to come to meet you and they told me that they will come with me home tomorrow evening.
Y/m:Oh that's really good then. I have to tell you all something so it will be good if you all are here by tomorrow evening. I'll make your and there favourite dish for dinner. Okay
Y/n: Okay mom don't worry we will back by tomorrow evening. Mom now I have to go as I have some work. Byeeeee love you ❤️
Y/m: Yeah my baby love you too ❤️ Byee take care and tell them also to take care of themselves.
Y/n: Yeah I'll Byeeeeeee
          [ Call is cut]
Y/n keep her phone in her pocket at goes towards the changing room to change in her outfits.

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