Chapter -10

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Silence was the only thing that was heard..... darkness was everywhere.

Alisha: What is happening?Why aren't u guys moving further*says anxiously*
Man: ma'am there is no movement around here so we need to be extra careful.*tells her*Everyone open ur headlights*orders*
Niya:be careful and get everyone back
Man: yess ma'am!
*Right now the team that was send to Thailand for the mission to get everyone back from where the location is coming....Niya and Alisha with the watching everything on the big screen in front of them.... everyone was anxious and worried what might happen*
Man2: oh no......
Women1: shit!
Women2:oh my god!*in horror*
Niya:what is happening? Why are ur reaction like this...??
Man: ma'am we got........

Y/n's pov: (basketball match)

Y/n: yesssssssssssssssss!!!!!!! *Screams*
Girl1: we won captain!!!!!*says excitedly*
Girl2: yesss I'm so happy!!
*Everyone goes and hug y/n because they won was going to be a tie but y/n's last move had everyone in surprise as she drives the lane,spin and then throws down this incredible two- handed slam with full arm extension for the and 1 finish*
{Inspired by Dawney wade's insane spin and slam dunk ....truly a legendary move by a legend!!}

Y/n was so happy and looks at her mom who is sitting beside a man that she recognised as her mother's boyfriend. She smiles at her mom and waves, her mother waves back feeling proud of her daughter, while her mother's boyfriend just smile at this cute moment.

Y/n liftes the trophie with her team mates and coach. After that they do handshake with other team members and depart towards their families who had come to cheer them up.
Y/n makes a run towards her mom with trophie in her hand and hugs her!
Y/n: mom we won*says excitedly*
Y/m: yes I'm proud of u and ur teammates*smiles*oh y/n this is my boyfriend Mr.Kim I'm sure u already know him because of buisness.
Y/n: oh hello Mr. Kim. I'm Kang y/n. Nice to meet u *bows*
Mr. Kim: hello y/n It's nice to meet u too. U were amazing right there*point towards the basketball court*congratulations
Y/n: Thank u so much! Mom ig I'll leave now we need to leave for school I'll see u later in the evening*kisses her mom's cheeks*
Y/m: ok y/nahh take care I'll see u later byee.
Y/n: *nods* bye and thank you again Mr. Kim. Will see u soon*bows*
(Y/n arrives at the changing room everyone is waiting for her outside near the cafeteria as she changes her clothes)
*After wearing her clothes she checks on her phone to see many missed calls from Alisha and Niya Unnie*
Y/n: they must be calling to ask how the match went ! I'm sure they will be more than happy knowing we won!!!!*chuckles slightly*
Girl2: y/n let's go we all are hungry we need to go back to come fast!!!
Y/n: oww oww coming coming sorry!
*Thinks- I'll call them after reaching school*
After having lunch the whole team with the coach arrives at their school where principal is already in the front school door waiting for them with 2-3 teachers with a big smile
Principal: congratulations my kids u all did well
Girl4: thank u ma'am but actually we won because of how amazingly y/n played at last
*Everyone agrees with her with a smile*
Y/n: oh no it's because of our team work we won*hand over the trophy to the principal* thank u for trusting me as ur captain*bows *
*Everyone smiles and enters the school*
Principal: girls u can go and rest at the  private area and can take shower their too and we will send something for u all to eat ! Till then rest u can skip school if want for tomorrow.
*Everyone cheers happily*
(The announcement of The school girls basketball team winning was announced and all the students including the teachers and workers cheered to the team)

Meanwhile y/n was trying to call niya or Alisha but they were currently not picking her call .....
Y/n: wtf is happening? Why are they not picking calls?
*From nowhere someone speaks*
"Who is not picking ur calls? Boyfriend?"
Y/n: ughhh u scared the shit of our of me .... "taehyung "and no I'm not calling my boyfriend but my friend
Taehyung: ohh*realises* but aren't we older than u.....ur supposed to call us....oppa!
Y/n:*disgusted* ugh I'm not calling u that any how! Wait why are u here?
Taehyung: oh me i was here to congratulate u as I was on my way to washroom i saw u here! Jimin and Jungkook are attending their class right now.
Y/n: ohhkkk go carry on go away
Taehyung*roles his eyes* yeah I'm leaving. Adios~

Y/n again tries to call them after 3 attempt finnally Alisha picks up the call
Y/n: hello unnie? Why haven't u been taking my call i was so worried! I was trying to call u from so many hours!
Alisha: y/nahh*crying* plz come here fast
Y/n: unnie why are u crying? What happened tell me?*worried*
Alisha: just come here fast plz*cries*
Y/n: ok ok I'm coming*cute the call*

Yn: wtf is happening? Why was she crying so much I need to leave!
Ma'am I'll be leaving got some urgent things
Principal: ok plz go back safely take care rest well and congratulations again
*Y/n nods and leaves*
*Starts the car*
Y/n: what could have happened? TF she was crying so much !
*Runs towards her base main meeting room where probably everyone was cause no one was around the whole base*
Y/n: tf- what are they doing are they carzy where is everyone why tf the security is not in their places*anger boiling up*
*Moves towards the meeting room*
Y/n: wth where is the-*looks at Niya and Alisha crying and others have their heads down* wait.....why are u all like this what happened? Will anyone fucking tell me....?
Man: ma'am actually the team that we nt to Thailand to get back everyone found the location of them .....but*says with sorrow*
Y/n: but what?*scared*
Man3: but when they reached there .....they found dead bodies on the warehouse where the location of our people everyone was dead.....they were all covered with white covers on them and the five bosses of our gang.....
Y/n: *shocked*what- what happened to unnies and baekhyun?? Tell me*holds the man collar*
Man2: their dead bodies was also found with a Letter in it.... saying that they will end whole" Black Pheonix "
Y/n: *drops down on the floor* what - no no no*cries* no i shouldn't have let them go no no no *stands up and throws everything* no they can't die no*crying mess* what will I tell mother? Why will happen? No my unnies ,my bestfriend*crying*
Niya: y/nahhh stop crying u can't cry like this u need to be strong ur the queen ur the famous ruthless mafia queen u can't cry like this*hugs her tightly*
Alisha: y/nahhh don't cry baby the bodies will be here soon let's hold a proper funeral for they can rest in peace and u need to tell ur mom too so baby say strong*cups her face*
Everyone was dead silent, everyone was in sorrow....when
Y/n stands up and wiles her tears of aggressively
Y/n: 'I' Kang y/n aka Dark princess the mafia queen and head of the Black Pheonix declare and promises that i won't keep calm till I find who was behind all this and will kill the person in the most horrible way that everyone will remember it as a tragedy*speaks with anger and venom in her voice*
Y/n: start preparing for funeral.....they will have peacefull funeral day after tomorrow whoever tries to make any trouble in it.....shall be killed instantly*cold* I'll go and inform mom.....*sighs and leaves*

(On the way driving fast and harshly)
Y/n: why why why?!! Why this happened*crying* why this always happens to me?*crying mess* I'll not fucking leave that beast who did this I'll kill him

*Reaches home*
Sees her mom watching tv peacefully
Y/n: mom*cries*
Y/m:*looks at her worriedly* what happened y/nahh?
Y/n: mom ..... blackpink and baekhyun were on their buisness trip when.....Alisha got a call and got informed someone attacked them......and all the security and everyone got shot all of them died unnies died and baekhyun too*burst out crying mess*
Y/m: what- *tears pouring down* what did u say? No no my childrens*crying while hugging y/n*
Y/n: proper funeral will be held for all of them day after tomorrow*cries* we need to send them peacefully
Y/m: *nods* yes let's send them in peace my babies*wipes her tears*

Next day in evening:
All the bodies arrived with the letter.
Y/n walks towards her friends body and looks at them*bows * I'm sorry for not being able to protect u but I promise whoever did this I'll kill them I'll give them the worst dear ever*cries*
Y/n: is everything ready for tomorrow?
Man: yes queen.... everything is ready the families of the dead soilders of our have been contacted and also we contacted ur orphanage to inform them that the six of them died*tells in sorrow*
Y/n: ok*cold*

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you all"

Yooo everyone,

Here's ur author with next chapter!....well how did u like this chapter was it good? Hope u all liked it.
Thank u for reading 💗

Borahae 💜

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