Chapter -4

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All classes before break finished. Y/n was not able to concentrate in class because of the muscle bunny sitting beside her and disturbing her not letting her concentrate in what the teacher was explaining. After the class ended y/n runs toward her locker to meet her Unnies.
Y/n: unnieeeeee~ I'm back
Jisso: y/nieeee~ how were ur classes was it fun. Did u make new friends.
Lisa: *scoff* unnie what are u saying don't u know her even though we are not in same class ik her really well she  didn't talk to anyone this girl our ice queen must have scared the shit out of everyone in her class.
Jennie and rose: hahahaha lmao lisa ur so right.
Y/n: *roles her eyes* are u guys done? Jisso unnie I'm hungry but look at them they are here making fun of me.
Jisso:awwwww my y/nieeeee~ is hungry let's go then leave them here we will go ok baby.
*Y/n smirks*  Blackpink (except Jisso) : unnie this is not fair u always do this ~ (whines)
Y/n: ok ok girls just leave it now and let's go have lunch and yeah plz try to keep low profile.
Blackpink: yesss let's go.

With that they walk towards the cafeteria. After getting their lunch they look for empty tables for sitting they saw two tables one in the middle of the cafeteria and one at the corner. They walk towards the table in the corner ( remember they want to keep low profile)
They sit on their table and started eating when suddenly they hear a loud bang and they look towards it they see 7 really handsome boys there 2 of them were beating two boys and other were just watching them with a straight poker face. Y/n spot jungkook there beating the boy and the other boy whe recognised as the boy in that convince store with jungkook. She just role her eyes at the scene and started to get up from the seat to help those boys who were getting beaten up by jungkook and the other boy when Jennie holds her hand and tells her to sit back.
Y/n: unnie~ what are u doing can't u see how mercilessly they are beating both the boys.
Jennie: ik y/nieeee but don't u remember we have to keep low profile so plz don't go over their. They are BTS the owner of the school son's of the Kim's and two of them were in my class when my seat partner told me about them. They are really bad people they are known sa ice kings, they are really merciless and if we want to keep low profile we better not mess with them even though we have more power but if we get exposed it will be worse.
Y/n: *look towards the boys getting beaten up* ok unnie I won't go but let's just ask someone why are they beating them.
They just nod. Y/n spot a girl sitting alone, she calls her to her table she was hesitant but then she came.
Girl: hello* nervous*
Y/n: hey don't be nervous we are not eating u.
Girl: ohh I'm sorry it's just that I don't usually intract with people cause everyone thinks I'm nerd.
Y/n: oh don't say sorry 🥺 wanna be friends.
Blackpink was taken aback by y/n cause y/n was always cold to everyone and she never really makes friends because of trust issue she have but seeing her asking the girl to wanna be her friend Blackpink was very happy cause they saw emotions on her eyes which she only showed to her loved ones never to any outsiders.
The truth was y/n really love ked the girl she don't know why she wanted to be friends with the girl like she was her sister.
Girl: ahhh*confuse*ohhh yeahhhhh I wanna be friends helloooo my name is Moon Sora. I'm 16 and I joined this school last year. I don't have any friends cause people think of me as nerd.*sadly smiles*
Y/n: awwwww such a cute name don't worry I'm ur friend let's be friends forever I'm Kang Y/n. I'm 17, so I'm ur unnie sooo plzzzz lil sis call me unnie okkk. And yeahhhh these are my all time friends since I was small. These all aren't Unnies except lisa*point at lisa* she's just 2-3 months older hehehe Unnies plz introduce yourself to our new friend.
Blackpink look towards the cute innocent girl and smile.
Blackpink: Hello soraaaa cutie we are Blackpink.
Jisso: I'm the oldest my name is Jisso. I'm 21, u can call me unnie ok lil.
Jennie: I'm 2nd oldest I'm Jennie and I'm 20, u can call me unnie tooo.
Rose: hellooo lil I'm Rose~, I'm 18 and plz call me unnie tooo.
Lisa: ahhhhhhh hellooooooo I'm lisaaaa. I'm 17. I'm ur unnie toooo
They all smile widely towards Soraa and she loves them cause she never had friends but now she has.
Sora:  Thank u unniesss I love u all thank u thank u so much I really can't tell u how happy I'm right now. Plz always be my friend don't ever leave me.
Y/n: u know Soraa actually other then Blackpink and one more friend of mine I don't have any friends cause I don't like fake people but u know ur the first one whom I really want to be friends with so I promise u we will never leave u and will always be ur friend ok dear.
Soraaa was so happy and Blackpink and y/n too.
They start eating again while talking about their lives.
Y/n: ohhhh yeah I forgot to ask u why were those boys beating those two boys.
Sora: oh unnie those 7 boys are owner of this school and are known as ice kings. They all are playboys and they always have girls around them. Well hyung line is not always like that but the maknae line is definitely playboys,do u want me to introduce u to all of them.
Y/n:. No it's ok Jennie unnie already told me all of their names she knows their names but was not knowing this much about their reputation.
Sora: Unnie plz never go near them they are bad people* she says with worry visible in her eyes*
Y/n: ok ok don't worry we will never go near them ok?
Sora: *smiles cutely* hehehe Yessss
Y/n: But why were they bullying those two boys.
Sora: ohhh those two actually those two were talking and by mistake their food slipped on Jimin's shoes and when they said sorry Jimin asked them to lick their expensive shoes and clean them when they refused they started beating them. They are really bad people unnie so plz stay away from them I don't want u all to be hurt.
Y/n: Dw I told u na that we won't go near them so we won't ok* smiles*

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