Chapter 13

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Y/n pov:
Well after that soon to be brothers have been with me like a damn ....let me live in peace they are always with me.... ALWAYS I'm going for my mother's and Mr.Kim's wedding shopping well.... basically our children's shopping cause Mr. Kim and mom are already done with all the outfits. So here I am....with my mother and my soon to be brothers....LoL....all or then litreally all of them came.... basically mom forced them*chuckles* let's see....what my brothers have got for themselves cause here I'm sitting in the fitting room alone waiting for my soon to be brothers to come out fast so we can go and dthen go for my dress shopping. If you are wondering why am I alone, where my mother basically she got a urgent call... from her secratary telling about her to come back fast cause there are some issues in the new product. Well so here I am.....alone ugh....when will they come out.*zoning out*
Jimin: heyaa y/n y/n*shouting*
Y/n: why are u shouting?*surprise from his sudden shouting*
Jimin: shut up I have been calling u out for like 4 times....u didn't heard it so I had to shout. Ok ok ok now tell me how do I look*annoyed*
Y/n: wowowow-brother u look so awesome damn I don't want to admit but this suit is looking so good on u damn!!!*gasp*
Jimin: does it?*smiles proudly*
Y/n: *nods cutely* btw where are others?
Jimin: oh....they must be coming out soon. Now u have approved it I'll go and change it we will buy this one! Ok?
Y/n: okkkk*shows thumbs up*
Hobi: ayayayay how do I look does this look good?*shy*
Y/n: bro .....u look so amazing! Damn i would have proposed u if u weren't my brother ugh....
Hobi: heyaa....tsk don't say stupid things I'm ur older brother!
Y/n: yea yea I was just joking around! U look amazing buy it!!*laughs*
Hobi: ok.... I'll get this one....*shy*
Jin: how do I look y/n?
Y/n:*gasp* brother.....just tell me....why are u not an idol? Damn.... freaking eyecandy!
Jin: tsk tsk what kind of words do u even use .... I don't understand!
Y/n: brother u look hella good you also get this one plzz!!
Jin: ok ok I'll go and get this one but first I'll go and change!
Y/n: *does and ok sign playfully*
Y/n: aish....what are other four.... doing? heyaa when are u all coming out I'm hungry*whining*
Namjoon: stop whining kiddo here I am! How does it look on me?
Y/n: .......god....ur just so beautiful did u litreally man....damn I don't have words to even describe how good u look! We are buying this!*sparkling eyes*
Namjoon:*chuckles* than that's it we are buying it!
Y/n: yes yes!!
Jungkook:oye....y/niee....what about me? Do i look good?
Y/n: *gasps* bro.....what are u ..... I don't want to admit but trust me....u look hella hot!!! Girls are gonna go crazy for u!
Jungkook: they always do though! I knew it I'll pull this outfit amazingly!
Y/n: ok ok ... enough of self prasing go and change it!
Jungkook: yea yea....
Taehyung: y/naah.... I'm not sure....if i pulled this outfit! How does it look on me?
Y/n:*chocked on air* brother....what are u? Anime or something cause.... damn u look so unreal!*admiring his brother with sparkly eyes*
Taehyung: really?? Okkk I'm getting this one then!*says excitedly*
Yoongi:ahem*coughs akwardly*
*Everyone looks at his direction and gasps*
Yoongi: why are u all silent? Tell me does this look good or not?*says akwardly*
Y/n: bro....are u for real? Like....why don't u dress more like this....cause damn I'm telling u....i guess I will have to cover u up on the wedding day....cause u look so good ...I think everyone eyes will pop out of their...sokit it they look at u looking so god damn gorgeous*jaw dropping*
Yoongi: aishh....ur so cheese u like it right? So we will get this*blushes*
Y/n: brothers of mine what are u all? Heavenly god's? Greek gods? Cause damn u all look like one*cheese*
Jungkook: *hits back of her head* stop  being cheese*
Jin: now that all the boys have bought their outfit let's go and get something to eat, ok?
Y/n: ok god finally! I was so hungry*sighs loudly*
Jungkook: when are u not?
Y/n: shut up u pig! Oh....btw brother what about ur other outfits for the wedding like for other functions?
Jin: oh that we will go get them we are here just for main wedding shopping! But....u will get all ur outfits today.ok?
Y/n: no problem with me
Namjoon: let's go then
Y/n: yes plz *rubbing her stomach*
*Everyone chuckles*
*After eating*
Y/n: oh damn I'm so full! Btw where are we going next?
Hobi: your shopping!!!
Y/n: ugh...*groans*
Namjoon: let's go my lady*chuckles*
With that all of them everyone goes towards dress section ignoring suking y/n.
*Y/n looking around*
Jin: y/nah......go and try ur dresses...did u choose any?
Y/n: yea....yea.... I'm going*sulking around*
Jimin: go fast u brat *pushes her inside the changing room*
*All of the brothers waiting for y/n to change fast patiently*
Taehyung: when is she- oh god y/n*gasps*
Jungkook: wait who are u? Really that pig y/niee??
Y/n: heyaa shut up*growls* tell me u all how is this one?
Yoongi: you look good buy it!
Jin: wait....I love it but ig....u have more dresses u have choosen right? So why don't u try them too?
Y/n: exactly what I was going to say brother! I'll go and wear the next one!
*After checking out 3-4 dresses y/n is gonna change to one more dress*
Hobi: she looked so good in all of them!
Jungkook: why is she taking so much time in choosing them when she looks good in all!
Jin: let her do whatever she wants!
Namjoon: oh look ig... she's here-
All of them: *gasps* wow
Y/n: how do I look ! I like this dress the most so I kept it for last! Do u all like this one?
Jimin:*jaw dropping* it's incredible!
Taehyung: u look gorgeous....
Jungkook: don't wanna admit it but my lil sister....ur looking amazing
Y/n: heyaa... I'm not ur lil sister we are of same age u brat! And ik I'm beautiful asf*hair flip*
Namjoon: u look gorgeous y/nahh
Yoongi: yea....
Hobi: u look cute too...
Jin: my y/nahh... ur gonna shine on the wedding day!
Y/n: yesss ik it this was gonna look amazing! Ok then this for the wedding!
Taehyung: finally we can go back home!
Y/n: oh ur so wrong brother! We are gonna buy other ceremonies outfit for me too u forgot?*smirks*
Makane line:*groans* fine...
Y/n: *chuckles* yeaa...
*After 4 hrs of shopping just for y/n everyone is heading back home*
In the parking lot
Taehyung: let's go y/n in my car it's over there!
Jungkook: hold up she's going with me in my bike!
Jimin: ugh...these kids. Y/n u go with yoongi hyung and Namjoon hyung in their car ok?
Y/n: yes brother*salutes*
Namjoon: let's go!
*Yoongi driving*
Y/n yawns....
Namjoon: u must be tired right u should get some sleep till we reach home.
Y/n: can i?
Yoongi: yea go ahead.
Y/n: ok*with that y/n drifts into her own world*

Long time no see everyone!
Well... here's new episode nothing special though! Working on some interesting chapters hope u all like it.
Thankyou for reading.

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