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Someone's pov:

Ugh....fuck when....when am I gonna have her! I want her....and I will take her. Y/n.....ur dare someone interfere in my plans....thoes Kim brothers can't let me do whatever I want to do in peace for just once like fuck! Aish*breaks the mirror*
Man: sir are u ok?
Me: Go away! Go away! If u don't want me to kill u*growls in anger*

......UR MINE ! and mine.... I'll have u no matter what!

Author's pov:
At school-

Have u heard about them? They are so handsome*wispers*
Yea....they look drop dead gorgeous!*whispers*
Y/n: what u all talking about?*raises an eyebrow*
Girl: oh hi y/n*smiles* didn't u hear about the 5 new guys.... they all are a group and transfered here together. They all look so amazing!
Y/n: ohhh*nods* whatever I'll go I have class....
Girl3:oh y/n wait....ummm.... actually...I have my birthday party next week I wanted to invite u. Can u plz attend it?*shy*
Y/n: oh.... incredible! Then send me the location and date I'll surely come....oh btw happy birthday in advance*smiles*
Girl3: thanks...*smiles*
With that y/n walks towards her class
Y/n: ok so....huh?oye.....pig what are u doing*looks at him suspiciously*
Jungkook: what can't u see.... I'm sleeping let me sleep till the teacher comes.
Y/n: but....why are u in my seat?
Jungkook: I am gonna sit with u today cause thoes girls are annoying me and only ur the one that they fear so....let me sleep*points towards the girls whining*
*Y/n glares at the group of girls to which the gulp in fear*
*Y/n sits in her seat*
Y/n: oye pigg....did u complete ur geometry homework?*looks at him*
Jungkook: hmm...*sleepily nods*
Y/n: ok I'm taking ur notebook then I wanna complete two of the questions that i wasn't able to understand ok?
Jungkook: go ahead do whatever u want just let me sleep.
Y/n: ok ok whatever*roles her eyes*
*Completing her geometry work*
Y/n: oh phew done now let's-
*Teacher ( Mrs. Bae )enters*
Mrs. Bae: Good morning everyone*smiles* so how was ur weekend?
Class: good*altogether*
Mrs.Bae: good to before starting our geometry lesson I have to introduce ur new classmates. Please come in !
*Two tall guys enters*
Mrs. Bae: kids introduce urself to ur classmates
??: Oh....good morning everyone myself soobin*smiles a little*
??: Hello everyone. I'm Yeonjun*says in a plain tone*
Girls were drooling to see the two incredibly handsome boys while boys were envying them. But y/n....
Y/n:*gasps* ayooo....what the heck-*says loudly*
*Everyone looks at y/n*
Soobin: y/nieeee~
Y/n: I dreaming ayoooo....shit! *Pinches herself* soobin Yeonjun!
Soobin: damn y/niee....u have grown fat!*chuckles*
Y/n: shut up dumbo*groans*
Y/n looks at Yeonjun who's looking at her with glistening eyes ....she smiles towards him
Y/n: long time no see... Yeonjun!
Jungkook: ok....stop ma'am introduction is can we start the class*glaring at the two boys*
Mrs. Bae: oh- yea.... it's good that you know eachother! Plz take thoes empty seats..... let's start our class. Have everyone completed their homework!
*Everyone groans*
Class: yesss ma'am*sings*
While Mrs.Bae was teaching and everyone was focusing in the class.... Yeonjun was just admiring the girl he has longed for. And yes.... jungkook was ofcourse glaring at Yeonjun non stop.*chuckles* ....
*Time skip to break time*
Jungkook: let's go y/n
Y/n: oye....u go ahead I'll be back I just wanna catch up a little with the guys uk....
Jungkook: heyaaa*groans*
Y/n: aishhh....stop being cringe....ok but don't be late...and u both let me warn u both if u do anything stupid with her.... I'll kill u both*deadly glares*
Y/n: aishhh go now...
With that jungkook walks to the cafeteria
Soobin: y/nahhh*hugs* we missed u alot!
Y/n: me too....*hugs back*
Yeonjun: how have u been?
Y/n: first come here*hugs him* I have been well wbu all? And what about others?
Yeonjun:*blushes a little* we have been good ....oh ...they are here too ....they will be here in a min soobin told them to come here!
Huening Kai: ayooo.....noona*smirks* surprise! *Hugs*
Y/n: oh my Fucking god! U have grown so tall last time I saw u were so small!*smiles and hugs back*
Beomgyu: huii....noona! Missed me?
Y/n: yesss*hugs him*
Taehyun: I'm here too noona
Y/n: oh my god my favourite!!*hugs him tightly! I missed u all so much it have been such a long time since I saw u all and u all never even contacted me.*sniffles*
Soobin: ugh....we are sorry uk...we were just so caught up with our lives....and weren't able to find ur
Y/n: liar! How can such a great mafia men's can't find my contact. I'm not an idiot u asses*wispers angrily*
Taehyun: noona we are sorry but was dangerous for us as well as u so we didn' family is a mafia family so it was hard for us contact u...we are sorry!
Y/n: ok....! I'm forgiving u all for the last time....never do this again I missed u all!
Beomgyu: we promise!
Y/n: ig....we should go now...or jungkook will be mad...and others too.....
Yeonjun: who is he?*clenches his jaw*
Y/n: oh yea.... he's my step brother and I have others too my mom is getting married soon so they are gonna be my brothers soon....oh but no one knows about this yet so keep it quite ....oh enjoy ur lunch then I'mma go or they all will start freaking out hehehe*scratches her nape*
Beomgyu: ....but those boys are the biggest maf-*looks at others*
Y/n happily walking out of the class...
Taehyun: ig...she doesn't know who they are*worried*
Huening Kai: can't we....just stop or crash this wedding or something?
Yeonjun: no we can't do anything about it....since it's their own descision...but if they do anything to touch y/n and her mother we will kill them....*clenches*
Soobin: let's go to the cafeteria now...y/n must be their only.
Beomgyu: yes plz... I'm hungry!!
With that all of them walk towards the cafeteria
Jimin: where is she....?*worried*
Taehyung: she would be ok right?*anxious*
Jungkook: They all are mafia's. Why are they even here *Gritting his teeth*
Jimin: why did u leave her alone with them u idiot*annoyed*
Taehyung: yes! Are u crazy ? How can u leave little one with those crazy monsters?*flustered*
Jungkook: shut up! It's not my fault...they knew eachother ....and she asked me to go away cause she wanted to catch up with them*clenching his jaw*
Namjoon: stop it guys! Nothing is gonna happen to her .... she's in the school and also she have us nothing is gonna happen!
Jin: he's right... she's gonna be ok! And also.... she's strong!
Hobi: yes.....ur right but I'm a little worried*sad*
Yoongi: can u all shut up nothing is gonna happen to her- ...look there she's!!
Y/n: yo people ~
Makane line: HEYAAA....are u ok?
Y/n: *confused* ofcourse I am! What will happen to me...for god sake!*flustered*
Jin: stop it! Y/n come here eat this u must be hungry right?
Y/n: oh my god brother istg ur the only sane one here....damn I was so hungry!*rubs her stomach*
Taehyung: when are u not hungry?*amused*
Y/n: shut up let me what do wa have here?
Hobi: we got some Marconi cheese pasta...then we have sausage rolles, chicken burgers, fries, some choclate truffle and smoothies!
Y/n: damn so muchhh*watering mouth*
Jungkook:*chuckles* stop drooling u ass
Y/n: shut up imma start eating then....*eating peacefully*
Namjoon: down or u will choke *worried*
Y/n: trust me brother I won't-*chokes* ahm ahm *drinks water*
Namjoon: told u slowly!
Yoongi: heyaa....are u some kind of beast or something that haven't eaten for years*disgusted*
Y/n: oh brother u don't know all the lessons were so tiring that I got sooo hungry... can't help it!*munching her food*
Jin: it's alright eat as much as u want. If u want more just say we will get it for u ok?*Pat's her head*
Y/n: hmm...u are the only one who understand this kids misery brother*muching her food mindlesly*
*Everyone chuckles seeing how hungry beast she's*
Someone's pov:
??:looks like u brothers sister have already United....*chuckles* but soon I'll take ur only source of happiness! Kim family! I'll kill y/n....such a bastrad she's how....dare she brought happiness back in Kim family.... I'll take her away from u all I did so many years ago*laughs and closes the tv*
Man: sir....TXT is Korea*worried*
??: I already know that....ur slow u all work huh? *Smirks* sir..we are really sorry*trembling*
??: Go away let me drink in peace...
Man: yes sir.... thank u sir*bows and leaves*
??: *Chuckles* it's gonna be fun now

Hey everyone!
Well... thought of doing this update since...I have not updated for a long time....well my exams are going on so.... that's why a lil busy!
Oh...! Hope u guys like this chapter. It's nothing special though!
Will try to update soon! Cause I really have something interesting coming soon...then see ya!
Thank you for reading!

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