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It was all chaotic for the whole week in Kang and Kim mansion as...two families that are gonna be one soon...the preparation were going smoothly ....and finally it's big day for both Kang and Kim family. The wedding between Kang Hyun Joo and Kim Sang woo.

Make-up artist: Ma'am u look absolutely gorgeous!*smiles*
Y/m: thankyou so much*smiles*
Y/m secretary: ma'am u look so nervous! Are u ok?*worried*
Y/m: ah....yea...i don't know but I just feel so nervous*fidgeting her fingers*
*Knock knock*
Y/m: come in
Y/n: hola mom!*gasp* wow! U look so beautiful!
Y/m: y/niee...u look so beautiful too my baby!*smiles widely*
Y/n: oye mom! Why do u look so nervous? Don't be nervous!
Y/m:ok my baby just give me a hug.... I'll not feel nervous anymore then*smiles and hug her daughter*
Y/n: yess*hug and smiles*
*Another knock*
Mr.Smith: Ma'am and young mistress we are being called to the stage. It's bride entry time. Mr. Kim has already arrived
Y/n: oh it's time! Mom I'm so happy for you. I really love you and thank you for letting me escort u*smiles widely*
Y/m: my y/niee....I love u alot! Oh... let's go.
With that both y/n and her mother (bride) walks towards the asile.

Y/m(Ms. Kang) dress:

 Kang) dress:

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Everyone gasped when they saw the beautiful mother daughter duo

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Everyone gasped when they saw the beautiful mother daughter duo....they were looking so was such a beautiful sight... guest in the wedding all sighed thinking what a visual the new family is gonna be as, when they all entered the wedding venue they were so shocked to see Kim family visuals.....Mr. Kim and his sons looked so damn handsome that they would have gone blind if they started at them for long time.

Mr. Kim


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*Walking down the aisle y/m looks at her daughter lovingly*Y/m: my baby has grown up into such a beautiful girl*in aww*Y/n: hehehe mom ofcourse

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*Walking down the aisle y/m looks at her daughter lovingly*
Y/m: my baby has grown up into such a beautiful girl*in aww*
Y/n: hehehe mom ofcourse....oh look we are here*smiles*
Mr. Kim: aww y/ look so beautiful daughter! And Hyun jooahh~ my love u look so beautiful too.
Y/n: hehehe dad....u look amazing too oh ig ...i should go but here I'm giving you my mother's hand....hold it and never let it go, cherish her, love her make her the happiest person in this world plz dad...*gives her mother hand to Mr. Kim*
Mr. Kim: ofcourse... I'll do that I'll protect not only her but u too since ur my daughter as well...I will spoil u both and love u both*smiles widely*
Jimin: alright alright....stop the emotion scene here let's go y/nahh.... let's start with the vows*drags y/n to his brothers*
Y/n: you look... amazing!*gasps* oh my lord u all look like Greek gods do u know that.
Namjoon:*chuckles* you look amazing too
Y/n: yea yea ofcourse ik that oh... looks like I need to protect u all look at those BITCHs they are litreally drolling and eye raping you all*scolfs pointing at litreally all the girls*
Hobi: yea...*amused*
Jimin: oye....look guys they are gonna take the vows.


No one's pov:

Ms. Kang:you look dashing love*smiles*
Mr. Kim: and u look like the most beautiful in my eyes sweetheart*lovingly*
Priest: *clears his throat and smiles* it's time to take the vows.
Mr.Kim: *nods and gulps* Today, I choose you
I promise to love you without condition. To honour you each and every day. To laugh with you when you're happy , to support you when you're sad.
To guide you when you ask for direction, to challenge you to be a better person and allow you to do the same for me.
I promise to be your best friend, your biggest fan and to always listen and compromise as we go through our journey together. I can't wait to do life with you. I, Sang Woo choose you, Hyun Joo to be my wife this day and forever more. This is my sacred vow to you, my equal in all things.
I love you
*Smiles widely looking at her lovingly*

Ms. Kang: *smiles with teary eyes* I love you. Enough to fight for you, compromise for you and sacrifice myself for you if need be. Enough to miss you incredibly when we're apart, no matter what length of time it is for and regardless of the long distance.
Enough to believe in our relationship, to stand by it through the worst of times, to have faith in our strength as a couple, and to never give up on us. Enough to spend the rest of my life with you, be there for you when you need me, or want me, and never ever want to leave you, or to live without you. I love you this much. Today, i Hyun Joo accept you Sang Woo as my husband. You are my person , my love and my life, Today and always.
*Tears streaming down her face she looks at him with so much love*

Priest:Ladies and gentlemen,Kim Sang Woo and Kim Hyun Joo have declared before all of us that they now wish to live and love together in marriage.

Let us hope this day will form a milestone in your lives, one that you will look back upon with much joy and happiness. It therefore gives me great pleasure to pronounce you husband and wife.
Congratulations, you may both kiss.
*With that Mr. Kim kisses Mrs. Kim*
Everyone was clapping all their children were happy really happy. Life gave them a new chance. For them to be happy.

(After the ceremony)
Y/n: oh man! I'm tired as hell.
Jin:*chuckles* oh you must be tired in that dress and heels of yours.
Y/n: yes bro it hurts *groans*
Hobi: wait let me ask Mrs. Kim and Dad if we can go home before them, u sit here*flashes a smile*
*After 10 min*
Hobi: let's go y/niee, they us to back home first they will come after attending all the guests.
Y/n: kk let's go fast
Jungkook: do u want me to lift u?
Y/n:*disgusted* no.... I'm not that hurt too ok? I wear heels like almost everyday it doesn't hurts that much.
Jungkook: ur so bitchy*teases*
Namjoon: now now u both don't start bickering*amused*
Suga: y/n aren't u tired let's go fast*narrow's his eyes at both the makane's*
Y/n: ur so weird*walks fast towards the car* let's go u all I'm freaking tired
Taehyung: yea yea we are going stop shouting.
With that they are now tied together in a relationship by heart ..but there's a lot more to come to their story ...many truths, many heartbreaks, many beautiful moments.

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