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*Gun shot*
Y/n: wtf is happening???!*shouts*
Niya: calm down y/n calm down they are trying
Y/n: Niya Unnie it's been 3 weeks since we can't reach them no one is taking our calls why? We aren't even able to track them wth is happening*shouting* and why aren't these men of ours aren't able to find them*angry**glares to the group of men standing in her office*
Alisha: y/n ik ur worried but plz y/nahh plz calm down they are trying alot ....they are trying......plz don't be angry*worried*
Y/n:*sighs and realises* ugh I'm sorry everyone but I'm just so stressed none of them , none of the five of them is in our reach it's completely blank idk I'm just getting very bad feeling I'm really sorry
Men1: mam we understand u we are worried too but plz take care of urself we will do our best to reach out to them.
Y/n: *gives a sad nod* dismissed and thank u
*With that the group of men leaves*
Y/n: *gulps the glass of water down her throat* we need to do something. We need to know where they are!
Niya: *looks at her with a sad look, pats her back* it's ok y/nahh we will get to them soon u go and get some rest u have ur basketball match  tomorrow..
Y/n: i can't play tomorrow's match.....i need to be here....
Alisha: y/nahh dw we are here taking care of everything trust us for them this match is important for ur school.....u need to win this ....and so when all five of them come back u can show them ur trophie ok*hugs her*
Y/n:*hugs back and slightly nods* ok
*With that y/n leaves for home*

(Author -if u all wondering about basketball match....yes y/n is one of the best player of basketball in her school now...and tomorrow is her match she's the female basketball team captain right now! And she'll be representing her school tomorrow)

Alisha's pov:

Me: wth is happening? Why am I getting a feeling that something is going to be so wrong *looks at niya*
Niya: babe dw it's gonna be ok we are finding them.....we will find them *hugs her kisses her forehead*
Me: hope so

*Someone knocks at the door of y/n's office*
Niya: come in
Man: ma'am u need to see this......plz come
Niya: ok we are coming
*Man nods and walks outside*
Me : what would have happened?
Niya: have no idea let's see
Me: *nods*

We both walks towards the security room. We look around to see almost everyone panicking.....
Me: what happened? Why are u all like this?
Man: ma'am we found something.
Niya: what is it?
Man: our team that went to Thailand in search for them found their location but .....
Me: but what?
Man: it has been 2 days the location was not being detected but surprisingly it just came out of nowhere and we can track them now.....but also .....we can track not only 5 of them but others too the others who went in mission before them
Niya: *surprise* what? Really? Alright send more people to Thailand to help them go right now! Tell them to get ready to bring all of them back!
Me: *smiles* y/n will be happy about it!
Niya: yes but let's tell her after her match or else she'll leave the match and come here.
Me: yes ur right*releived*

Time skip: the next day

Y/n pov:

*In shower*
Thinking about her friends..... let's just finish this match....and win for them they will be happy after knowing that i won! I will win this*smiles*

*Comes out of the shower*
*Getting ready for the match*
*Notification pops out*.
Unknown no.?
All the best for today bitch.... don't let our school loose or I'll torture u
This ass..... How did he get my number and also how dare he order me *still smiles alil*
Y/m: y/n come downstairs fast u need to go did u forgot that ..... it's ur match today ur going to be late*shouts*
Y/n: oops .... coming mom
With that she quickly gets ready and take her phone and bag downstairs.
Y/n: morning mom
Y/n: morning y/nah , here have this u have match today so u need energy so there should be nothing left in this plate eat it all,ok?


Y/n: alright! Alright! But will u be coming today to watch my match?Y/m: yes dw I'll be coming to watch the match*smiles*baby uk that I'm dating right?Y/n: yes mom ik about that! Why, what is it?Y/m: actually he'll be coming with me to watch u pla...

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Y/n: alright! Alright! But will u be coming today to watch my match?
Y/m: yes dw I'll be coming to watch the match*smiles*baby uk that I'm dating right?
Y/n: yes mom ik about that! Why, what is it?
Y/m: actually he'll be coming with me to watch u play today.....
Y/n: oh nice finally gonna meet him*raises her eyebrows*
Y/m: well...yes
Y/n: well .... alright got no problem with it *shrugs*......then I'll go now needs to reach school asap cause uk the match is not held in our school rather in other school so .....will be late .....if I don't reach school on time or the bus will leave me and I'll have to go alone to other school which I have no idea about....*scrunches her nose*
Y/m: yeah byeee all the best love u*kisses her forehead*
Y/n: byee
*With that y/n leaves for her school*

In school

Y/n pov:

Ugh.....when will be leaving I'm tired of everyone telling me all the best, good luck, do well, Don't let our school loose! God ik ik obviously I won't want to loose like wth-.....wait! Look u all I'm greatful of all these wishes but at one time they are too much and cringe yeah understand me.....

*Someone hits her slightly on back of her head*
Jungkook:Yo bitch....
Here this ass comes again to trouble my already troubled self*thinks while rolling her eyes*
Jungkook: don't roll your eyes at me*scrunches his nose*
Y/n: i can do whatever I want*teases him**looks behind him*oh....yoo*only to see his two brothers *why are u three here?*confused*
Jimin: hey girl , just wanted to say good luck to u since ur representing our school....
Taehyung: yes good luck
Jungkook: u should be grateful that me and my brothers are here to say good luck to u not just anyone gets our good luck u know*says proudly telling her*
Y/n: and why am I this lucky to get this pleasure*raises her eyebrows sarcastically*
Jimin: cause ur just cute.....we dk too just ur our match.....only u can.....match our level of power etc... so .....*shrugs*
Taehyung: yes....ur cool as us*winks *
Y/n: u three love urself too much*rolls her eyes* btw what about ur other brothers ? Where are they?
Taehyung: oh them..... don't uk ....they are too cold.....colder than us.....they just stay to themselves they must be in their private room.....
Y/n:*makes an O face understanding* whatever but what's taking coach too long and these girls .....ugh so lovey dovey sticking to their boyfriends ....when will we leave I'm bored!*whines*
Jungkook: true*nods* oh see ur coach is there ig u will be leaving now let's go hyungs....all the best bitch Don't let us down or uk i will burn ur beautiful hair*teases*
Y/n:*shows him the tounge* whatever go away ....
Jimin and taehyung laughs slightly* bye girl ~
Y/n: bye
*With that coach comes and the bus starts moving and leaves the school for the match to another school*


Hey everyone,
Here in front of u all with the new chapter. Hope u all liked it😭💜 . Thank you for reading.

And plz keep streaming! We are going to stay always with the tannies!!

Borahae 💜

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