Tsuyu Asui x Male Reader (Requested)

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Requested by: Herosperger

So as the title says,this is Tsuyu Asui x Male Reader!
Background info: Reader is oldest and only son of three. The two younger sisters have a quirk of water and ice,while reader has an elementalist quirk. You're the nephew of Enji (Endeavor) and Rei Todoroki. Your father is Endeavor's older brother. And your mother is Rei's younger sister.

Today is your first day at UA High School and you are currently standing in front of the giant gates with your cousin, Shoto Todoroki. You looked at him and smiled as he was the first of you two to step on campus. You followed right after and you both headed to class. Stepping into the building to find your homeroom,you turned the corner only for you to bump into someone. Whoever it was, fell right onto the ground,and all their books were scattered around.
"Oh no! I'm so sorry!" Looking down,the victim on the ground was a short girl with long, beautiful,green hair.
"I-Its ok...*kero*" she replied,picking up her books.
"Here,let me help you." You bent down to help her. When done gathering all the books, you helped her up and smiled at her. "By the way,my name is Y/N Todoroki! It's nice to meet you! And again,I'm really sorry for bumping into you..." You bowed down slightly,only to stand back up straight and look at her when she spoke.
"L-Like I said,it's ok... My name is Tsuyu Asui,but you can call me Sue. And it's nice to meet you too! *Kero*" She looked up at you and smiled.
Your heart pounded slightly when she smiled. What is this odd feeling?
"So what class are you in?" Sue asked, interrupting your thoughts.
"Oh! I'm in Class 1-A! Along with my cousin, Shoto. Actually he's right..." You turned around expecting to find Shoto standing somewhere close by, but he was gone. "O-Oh...well he was there earlier...Anyways,what class are you in?"
"Well it looks like we get to be classmates. Seeing as how I'm in Class 1-A as well. *Kero*" she smiled at you again.
Again this feeling? My heart keeps beating faster it feels like!
"That's great!" You smiled. "Oh! Do you want to walk with me to class then?"
"A-Alright..." Sue slightly blushed.
"Oh! And let me carry your books,it's the best I can do for you since I bumped into you."
You and Sue continued to walk and try to find the classroom.

~Time skip~

The bell had rung 5 minutes ago and now you were nervous to be late on your first day of school.
No,no,no! I can't be late on my first day of school! This shouldn't be how the year starts!
"Oh! Here's the class room!" Sue said,grabbing your hand that wasn't holding the books and dragged you over to the big door with a giant sign that read '1-A'. Your face heated up,due to the hand contact.
You both stepped inside,only to find your fellow classmates all chatting with each other. Shoto was there already seated in the back. Everyone had already claimed spots,and the last two left were right beside each other.
"I wonder w-where the teacher is?" Sue said. She let go of your hand and walked over to one of the two desks. "Looks like we get to sit by each other! *Kero*"
"Y-Yeah! That's cool!" You showed a thumbs up and walked over,placing She's book on her desk.
"Thank you for carrying my books Y/N-"
"Alright. Class is starting." A deep voice interrupted Sue. A man stepped out of a yellow sleeping bag and stood in front of the podium. Everyone sat down in their desks and you took your seat right beside Sue. "My name is Shota Aizawa. But you can call me Aizawa or Eraserhead. Now let's begin with..." *Insert class stuff*

~Time skip to after class~

The bell rang and everyone began to pack up their stuff.
"That was a good first class if I do say so myself!" You said,smiling at Sue. She smiled back.
"I'm glad we didn't get in trouble for being late...at least now we know where to go for tomorrow! *Kero*"
You nodded and you both headed to the next class.
Since Sue and I have the exact same schedule, Maybe I can make at least one friend here at UA...
You both continued to walk and you reached your destination. You were both seated across from each other again. But just a little farther this time. You found yourself staring at Sue the entire class though. Everytime she caught you staring, you just looked in a different direction and could feel you heart beating fast again.
Am I getting sick or what?! Just what is this weird feeling??? Maybe I need to go to the doctors...

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