A Better Life {Villain X Gen! Neutral Reader}

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I had this random story idea where, yes, it's going to be an X Reader. But this time, you get to imagine who the villain is. I'm not going to explain much, so I hope you enjoy this!

TW: bits of depression and suicide

As one of the "Top" doctors in the hospital, I've always been given such high expectations. And for the most part, my patients always had a high chance of living. I've always studied hard for the future, and always pushed on tying to reach different goals or finish difficult tasks. There then came a day, when I couldn't save someone. Of course, I felt bad. But I did all I could do. Unfortunately for me though, the mad was one living the high life.

His death was spread around the world, and the news reporters just had to mention the name of the doctor whose hands he died at.

I wasn't worried at first. Sometimes, we can't save everyone. I'm not just some magical person who can save everyone I'm a doctor for.

Then some weird things started happening... it first started with a mother and her daughter.

"Ma'am, I know your concerned for your daughter. But it's just a small cold. She'll be fin-"
"Are you sure about that?! She's practically turning blue and-"
"Look miss... I've already said that I can prescribe the proper medication needed."


She refused and wanted a different doctor. So we gave her one. Only for the new doctor to tell her the same things I did.


It only started to spiral downhill from there on out. Patients started to refuse seeing me, my coworkers started lashing out on me more often, and even my family started ignoring me.
My mood started declining and I couldn't help but feel both physically and emotionally stressed.

Until one I just couldn't take it anymore. My fellow doctors made me seem like a waste of space, treating me as if I was a villain or something...

And now, here I am, standing on the top of the highest building I could find. Luckily, the building was empty, or so I thought. Just when I closed my eyes and was just about done convincing myself to jump off, a sudden voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Are you actually going to jump off?"

I turned and just watched said person and they watched me as well.
"C'mon... you can't let those negative thoughts and people get to you." They then gave me a small smile, holding their hand out to me. "How about you come with me and help people who actually need help and will see you as a normal human being?"

I continued to stare at them in silence before curiosity got to me.
"'See me as a normal human being'? What do you mean by that?"

"Well... not everyone can be saved. The world can't just expect you to be able to save everyone can they?"


They lead you to a different abandoned building, where there were different families and people who were treated as villains because of their quirks, or neglected because they couldn't meet the expectations of the world. People that never got the medical help they needed because they were "villains/waste of space/irrelevant".
There was coughs heard all around, people crying, talking, trying to comfort each other...

"How am I supposed to help them?"
"... well you're a doctor aren't you?"


"Y/N L/N has been reported missing for about 1 year now. The same doctor that couldn't save ..." the radio got turned off as the woman looked at the doc with a grateful smile.

"Thanks doc. My little girl is finally getting better, thanks to you!" She smiled and pulled the doc in for a gentle hug. "How can I ever repay you?"

"You already know I don't need any payment. I'm just glad I was able to help. Your smile and your daughter's health was all the payment I needed."


You were back on the rooftop, but this time laying down and staring at the sky.
"Good day?"

"Yeah... A better day than yesterday, and a better life than most." I sigh. "Imagine I hadn't been here today... that little girl..." I looked at the person I considered my hero. "Thank you."

"No need to thank me... your smile is payment enough."

Hope you liked this part! I was trying smthg different and like, I had motivation and then... started to lose it-

But other than that, hope everyone is having a good day/night and is making sure to take time for themselves. Know that you are good enough and you're only human. We can't always do everything and that's ok.

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