Next Day

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Narrator's POV

Bruno and Alfonso had slept after that fun event Alfonso had offered Bruno the bed as he himself, has slept on the couch. Bruno tried to convince him otherwise, but Alfonso refused to listen.

The next morning, Reiki and Hisa were knocking on their door. Alfonso had opened the door while holding a plate of his breakfast.

"We're ready," Reiki stated. They walked into the house and glanced over to see Bruno packing the candied apple that Alfonso had bought him yesterday.

"How was the the festival?" Hisa asked.

"It was absolutely amazing!" Bruno exclaimed."I'd love to come see the festival again,"

"Well, we'll glady invite you next time," Hisa replied.

"Really!? T-That'd be great!" Bruno zipped his backpack and put the straps on.

Alfonso had taken the last bite out of his breakfast and was ready to leave with the other three. Reiki opened the door for everyone as Alfonso took the lead considering that he was the only one who could see the string. They had left the village and headed toward the woods as the strings only dragged on and on. There was pure silence between the four while walking. The sunlight was shaded by the tall tree's leaves, only parts of it would shine on the ground dirt like shattered pieces of glass. From time to time, Alfonso would get distracted seeing nature's creatures such as a doe, rabbit, and etc froliking around the woods. Bruno could only see the back of Alfonso, but he wanted to walk faster in order to get closer to Alfonso's side. He was quite hesitate beacuse Alfonso might wonder as to why it's even important. Reiki and Hisa was just right behind Bruno watching the both of them. They were all indeed infatuated with mother nature's warming environment.

After a while, Bruno stopped walking.

"C-Can we take a break?" he said feeling tired from all the steps he had taken. The three agreed and all sat down under a tree. Hisa wrote for water bottles to appear as everyone took gulps of their waters down quickly. Alfonso heard a sudden noise. He peeped behind the tree and found an injured doe lying on the ground.

"Hisa, Reiki, come with me," Alfonso commanded as the three of them had walked over to the poor animal. It looks like someone had tried to hunt it down but failed as the doe had escaped before it could be finished.

"Reiki," Alfonso said. Reiki gave a nod understanding what Alfonso had wnated Reiki to do. Reiki looked at the dooe and read her mind.

"Please, help,"

"She wants us to help heal her. She doesn't seem too scared nor frightened by us, so it should be alright for us to go in," Reiki claimed. Alfonso gave a nod and looked over at Hisa. Hisa whipped out his notebook and stated to write down specific words as it had appeared onto of the notebook. Alfonso had taken the items and carefully tended to the doe's wounds. The doe had twitched from time to time trying to take in the pain that the medication was doing to her. She felt as if it was her last breath if she was not fully healed. Bruno had peeped over the tree and noticed that the three were trying to help the female deer. Bruno noticed Alfonso's gentle hands trying to patch the injured animal back up, making sure not to press or push anything that could have worsen her condition. His concentration on helping the doe only gave attraction to Bruno's eyes. Another piece of memory that's been locked up into his heart again. Bruno suddenly heard the sound of horses galloping and looked far off into the distance feeling frozen and scared as he had noticed they looked like the ones his mother had told him long ago.

"This is the best I could do," Alfonso stated.

"She says thank you," Reiki said as the three walked back and also noticed the sea of white men riding their horses. Alfonso rushed over and pulled Bruno as the four of them tried to hide behind the tree, but it was impossible for them to not be spotted as majority of them were too big. Alfonso felt Bruno shivering and breathing heavily feeling as if it'd be his last moments. Alfonso held onto him tightly and whispered softly into his ear to calm him down.

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