3- Belonging

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CW: Mentions of abuse and murder

"Izu-kun!" Toga Himiko whines, impatient. She slowly takes out her (it's pink!) gun. "Can we please shoot him already?"

Giran gave Izu-kun two glitter guns just yesterday. It was wrapped up in a nice long red and black box (with a pink bow!). It's odd for Giran to give him a gift, or to give a gift to anyone at all, but hey, no one's complaining.

One gun is pink-colored, and the other one is green-colored. Himiko is pretty sure the two guns are colored like that on purpose. She is pretty sure that Giran made it just for her and Izu-kun. What for, she doesn't know, but it's a free gift! She isn't going to question it.

She would never deny a free gift.

(She haven't gotten a free gift for years. She did get a few in her middle school years, but her friends were all fake. Everything was fake. The gifts are fake, wrapped in nothing but lies. The bow wasn't pink.)

Giran may look (and is) a shady greedy guy, but he's not cruel! At least, she thinks he's not. She knows how greedy he can be, but she has never seen him hurt anyone! She thinks. She is pretty sure he wouldn't do that. Not from Giran. Not from what she heard from him.

"Killing children ain't my thing, you know," he says, grinning. It's like he's been asked the same question before. Knowing him, he probably did. He's a creepy man, she thinks. Among other things. He puffs out a smoke, holding a cigarette on one hand, but making sure the smoke doesn't come her way.

He said something among the lines of not wanting him to be the reason for her death or whatever. He didn't need to do that, he's a villain after all, but he did.

He could surprisingly be a... really kind person sometimes.

But for the majority of the time, he's the selfish greedy info broker that everyone knows of. He's a well-known figure in the Underground, so it's hard to not know him. Giran's a rather friendly person, but that was only when he doesn't feel threatened.

Everyone has at least heard of him. He's everywhere, to the point where it's almost unnatural. He goes from place to place. He had plenty of connections. Although because of his seemingly endless greed, not everyone likes him.

But Himiko thinks differently. She thinks that greed, even though it's bad, is what makes him human. And everyone is a human, regardless of whether they're a hero, villain, or whatever.

Plus, Giran was the first honest person she met. Sure, he can fake at times, but his ulterior motives are as honest as it could be. That's one of the many things she likes about him.

"Even if they're paying you to do it?" She asks, tilting her head in curiosity. How far will he go for money? What part of himself is he willing to sacrifice?

The man pauses for a second. A second was all she needed to know. He chuckles knowingly, eyes looking away, then back at her. His eyes noticeably softens. Soft, kind delicate eyes doesn't fit him. It never did, and it never will. Giran should never be a kind person all the time.

Being too kind could become a burden.

He has enough burden on his hands. Too many, she thinks, but he didn't seem to be bothered by it. She supposed that it's fine, but who knows, it might change. She hopes it doesn't for his sake. He has done plenty for her, and she intends to pay him back. Something to repay him other than money.

After all, she found the League because of him.

"Nah. I may be a bastard, but I don't take pleasure in that kind of thing. Money is, really, everything to me, but even someone as greedy as me has a line that I don't want to cross," he says, with surprisingly no lies in his words.

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