10- The blood on our hands

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A/N: So I kinda made ooc Stain? I made him more sane. I was planning to write Hosu, but realized that I will be writing it in the heroes' story. I wouldn't want to repeat writing that.

In a society defined by its heroes and its villains, the clash between two sides either determines peace or destruction.

Or a bit of both.

Good and bad. Justice and evil. It is a concept that has been drilled into the minds of everyone when it comes to determining what's right and what's wrong.

They're opposites, yet related, and one cannot exist without the other.

Akuguro Chizome sees this. He knows this. It is a fact. Evil is a natural thing, something that is seen in everyone, no matter how small it is. Although no one is born evil, they inherit it from somewhere as they live out their life.

Justice is born from it.

Evil is what kickstarted the foundation of what society is now. It is the reason, the cause, of the heroes people see today.

But when it comes to the justice being corrupted? That is something he cannot forgive.

Granted, in a society like this, corruption isn't a surprise. With heroes being a job more than anything else, wealth and fame are the first thing most people think of.

The rest comes after.

There are a few that wants to be a hero for the right reasons, but those are rare, and they never stay that way for long.

Being good isn't easy, Chizome knows. There are sacrifices to be made, and risks that puts their love ones in danger. It is hard to be good when the only thing you seemingly receive in return is criticism.

Being good is hard when it looks like the whole world is against you.

But for those who are greedy, being good is easy. They are willing to sacrifice anything or anyone other than themselves. They care for criticism only because it damages their reputation.

They are the types of people where once they lose that one thing, they lose everything.

Having more greedy people in this society than those who aren't, Chizome took it into his own hands to make a change. He started off small with killing villains and selfish heroes who are relatively new to the field, then aimed big—going for the more well known heroes.

Maybe even planning to aim for the top 20 ones.

When he came to Hosu, he got caught. Not by a pro hero, but rather by young teenagers. Never did he think that he'll get beaten by children who doesn't even have half of the experience that he had.

But it happened.

If anything, he would commend them for their achievement of taking him down. After all, it was no small feat.

However, at the same time, their life was on the line, as Chizome had every intention of ending them. Getting to live should not be labeled as an accomplishment.

It should be a relief.

The fact that it was teenagers who defeated him—when pro heroes couldn't all those years—really shows how incompetent society can be, putting children who aren't even 18 yet in danger.

Unintentionally or not.

No excuse can pardon incompetence in the hero field. Or in the police department. No matter how valid the excuse is, incompetence leads to consequences. No one knows this better than the policemen and the heroes who have seen those said consequences happen firsthand.

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