6- A sleight of hand

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Stepping through a portal (or is it a gate?) for the first time is... weird. There's this sensation that makes the body shiver, just for a second. It isn't coldness, nor is it fear. It's something else, and Sako Atsuhiro doesn't know what.

It's new. It's foreign. But this feeling doesn't scare him. It's something that cannot be explained with words. It's more of a feeling than anything. It's something special. That feeling is hard to decipher, difficult to describe.

Calling it weird would be close, but not quite accurate. It's not the right word for it. Calling it weird would be like a puzzle piece put in the wrong place. It wouldn't fit. He doesn't know how to describe it otherwise—that sensation.

This is something that he is new to, and it leaves him with an excitement as equal as a child's. He hasn't felt this way since he discovered magic tricks, but this, this is much more exciting.

It's the mystery, he thinks. It's the mystery that draws him in. That gets his interest. That caught his attention.

How mysterious. How fascinating.

Portal or gate quirks are truly a mystery, a case left open for him to see. Atsuhiro wants to find out more. There's so much that about it that are unknown to the public—unknown to anyone at all. Not even the heroes, the ones with the most information, knows much about it.

There aren't many portal quirks out there, and he considers himself lucky to witness and experience one in person.

He has questions (more than what he can count), and he wants answers, but now is not the time for it. He wish he could ask now, but that would be impolite of him. It would be inappropriate. They're in a rather important situation after all, and interrupting it would do no good.

The important situation being the kidnapping of a hero student, specifically.

He could sigh.

Kidnapping. A rather iconic villain activity to do.

He wish it was something more exciting. Something less common, and more rare. And yes, he is speaking in Shigaraki's language.

Shigaraki is a gamer he sees, and being that he's in the group that he created, Atsuhiro thinks he should practice speaking in a language referring to RPG games. It's to better understand him, he supposed. Shigaraki is going to be his boss from here on out.

Kidnapping is a classic, but it's pretty bland. The process is fun nonetheless, even though the end result could be a little underwhelming. It's not as exciting, and almost anticlimactic.

It's okay though. He has watched so many tv shows where the ending is not what he had anticipated. But that doesn't make him feel any less disappointed.

Perhaps he wanted to do something more risky. Maybe where they would get something in the process, like money.

He preferred to do something that doesn't involve hurting children, most importantly. They are victims. Bystanders. Maybe not all of them are victims or bystanders, but most of them are. They don't deserve to get dragged and involved in things that would shatter their childlike fantasy. Not this early.

He does not support unnecessary violence.

He wants to do something that's more out of place. Something that's unexpected for a villain to do. Like stopping a drug trafficking, maybe.

Unfortunately, he is not the boss here, so that's not up to him to decide. He has to do this, and really, he didn't mind. He has done kidnapping before, so this isn't really a problem.

Next time though, he would give suggestions.

As soon as he comes out of the portal, he sees the dark sky. From where he can see, they're near a cliff. It's nighttime, and the sky shows no stars.

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