9- Ill-gotten gains

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A/N: Happy 4th of July!! :D

CW: Finger amputation, murder

Okuta Kagero, otherwise known as Giran, keeps an eye out for any rumors. Especially the ones that are the most spread around.

As an informant, he goes after it, whether or not it's true or real. No matter how absurd or unprecedented it sounds, he goes and check it out. After all, even if it's fake, he can at least know that it is. He can collect accurate information.

There's been one recently that has people talking about it everywhere he goes. Something about an analyst who can give detailed information within a short time period.

It's not hard to pinpoint where the rumor started, but with the analysis nowhere to be found, there's no telling whether or not this analyst is as skillful as the rumor say they are.

But from the way the villain got what they wanted, he can predict that they are, at least, not incompetent.

Now lies the problem. Kagero doesn't know who the analyst is.

The villain who received the first analysis, he calls himself Kaze, doesn't know either, which makes things a little harder for him. Since the whole exchange thing was done online.

"There was this... flyer going around. You know, papers taped to the walls like they're advertising a commercial or something. It said: You want information on someone? Email this person! So that's what I did. I gave it a try, and I emailed them. Got the documents, analysis, in a week and... well, it was a lot. It was insane man."

"What about the analysis? Do you still have it?" He asks. He wants anything that he could use.

Kaze shakes his head. "Nah, man. There was a catch. I figured, since there wasn't a price. I showed it to my friends, the analysis. They were impressed. They emailed that person too. Got what they wanted. Started to talk about it. That's how the rumors started. But the next day, though, for me, the analysis was gone. Poof. Just like that."

"Same goes for your friends?"

"Yeah. A day after they got what they wanted, the analysis disappeared from their files. Can't recover it, no matter what you do. Copy, make a copy, download, etc. Nothing works. Guess the analyst didn't want to leave permanent information on anyone's hands."

It was a good choice, Kagero thinks. If they had just left information like that in someone's hands, that information can be sold to someone else. It would be bad for that person if someone is profiting because of them.

No one likes it when their work is taken, their names replaced. He would be furious if that ever happens to him.

He made it clear that anyone who would try will pay for it.

"Someone had tried to trace where it came from before it disappears, but it always goes to some random computer or laptop. Whoever they are, they're good at covering their tracks."

After a while, he decides to give up. He wouldn't want to waste too much time on finding one person. Besides, as someone who's also a information finder, they're bound to meet each other eventually.

So he'll stop. For now.

But he didn't expect to meet this analyst so soon. To think that he'll see that person because of Shigaraki Tomura of all people.

Because of one text message.

Shigaraki Tomura: Hey broker

Shigaraki Tomura: There's someone I would like u to meet

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