4- Justified vengeance

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CW: Child abuse

The League of Villains.

A laughable name in his opinion, even downright childish, but if this group is the one Stain acknowledged, then he'll take it.

This wasn't the first time he has heard of that name. The Underground is talkative when it comes to rising villain groups. He had heard that the leader attacked U.A before, but that had caught his interest.

He doesn't like those who attacks innocent future hero students. Or anyone innocent at all. Sure, he has killed many, but none of those people he killed are by any means innocent. Those he had killed all deserved it.

Even if the criminal is a minor, a crime is still a crime. They should've thought twice before doing it.

So yeah, he really doesn't like this leader at first. He ignored it, and went back to doing his own thing. End of the story.

What can he say? Arson is fun.

But then Stain of all people acknowledges the group. He finds them worthy. Now, things are different. Completely different. If Stain acknowledges this League of Villains, then the group must have a goal that the Hero Killer approves of. Even if the leader is killing or attacking children.

Stain doesn't approve of anything easily, so for the League of Villains to get his approval is going to have to count for something. Something big.

Something worth joining for.

The leader, or Shigaraki Tomura is his name, could be worth his time looking into. This was a big maybe though. If the group fails to meet his expectations, then let bygones be bygones.

He may be a fan of Stain (he wouldn't admit it), but he knows that even Stain is flawed. He could have mistakenly acknowledged the wrong group of people.

The only reason why Stain sticks out from the other villains out there is not because of what he's doing, it's because of why he's doing it. His reasons sparks determination in others. His words can cause earthquakes, rise storms.

He is an inspiration of what many villains are fighting for.

One can't help but look up to him.

His ideology holds no lies. It holds the truth. The fact that he's doing what believes in all alone? It motivates others to stand up and fight too. If All Might is the Symbol of Peace, then Stain is the Symbol of Justice.

It sounds cringy, but it's true. Stain is fighting for what he believes is right. He fights for justice.

But even so, Stain could only do so much. He's a human in the end, all of them are, and it was only about time before he falls. Before he fails. And it would be up to them to fulfill what he's trying to do. To continue what he has started.

To finish it.

Dabi has no doubt that Stain hasn't given up yet. He's in jail for now, but he's alive. He's still kicking. Dabi knows that he's not going to stop. And if Stain isn't going to, then neither will he.

While he's waiting for the right time to act, Dabi plans to visit the group he acknowledged. And maybe join them.

If the League of Villains fails to meet his expectations, it's not a big deal. He could always go back to working alone or he could join some other group that's worth joining.

He thinks he works better alone anyway.

A lot of villains do.

A lot has changed since that day he was pronounced dead. New burns on his body, a new mindset, and a newfound goal. It's almost like he has turned into a whole new different being, and he knows that his family couldn't recognize him.

To see him for who he is (not by his lack of quirk)Where stories live. Discover now