7- Unfettered

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A/N: Hi there! School has kept me busy, so it took a while to get this chapter done! I had this chapter pre-written a month ago, but was too busy to finalize it. I finally have some time to myself, so here it is!

I will say that the next chapter will take months to get out, so don't ask when I will update. Enjoy the chapter, and Happy Halloween! 🎃👻

CW: Amputation, blood, panic attack (brief), gender discrimination

You know, Hikkishi Kenji can be such an idiot sometimes.

She's known to be rash, but not reckless. Brutal, maybe even cruel, but not without reason. She's observant, but not paranoid.

Every action she takes is not one that is without some kind of purpose. She's smart in her own ways, so it's not everyday where she would be an idiot.

But this is the day where she is one.

This is not even funny to her. She could smack herself, really. She shows no mercy to anyone, not even on herself. Maybe that's not a good thing, but it's a good way to make herself be better. To improve. It's a good motivator, in a sense. Maybe. Anyway.

She forgot to tell them her gender pronouns.

Maybe to someone, gender identity isn't a big deal. Maybe to them, it's not so important. Many had already determined their gender the moment they were born, and they don't change it.

Specifically, they don't think they can. They think that what stays on paper will stay on paper. Forever. For the rest of their lives. That's what society made them think. That's how they think things will go.

However, that's not necessarily true. Now, gender can be changed. A female can now change into a male, and a male can turn into a male through a surgery.

Years ago, something like this didn't exist. To everyone, even the geniuses, it sounds insane—something like this just doesn't seem possible. It wasn't possible. But now it is.

Many were disgusted by the existence of this surgery, saying that it shouldn't exist at all, while some, mostly the transgenders, were very happy. They were excited to finally be in a body that feels right to them. Many has jumped to the opportunity, not wanting to let this chance slip.

Some were hesitant, and some weren't. Changing a gender entirely is a life changing decision, and once it's done, it's hard to go back. It's something that needs some thinking.

Some weren't convinced that this surgery exists, believing that it's too good to be true. They say that it's a trick, a way to get their hopes up, only for society to crush it at its highest point.

Society hasn't been the kindest person to them. It's understandable why they would doubt it. Things have changed, but at the same time, it didn't.

Kenji has considered changing her birth gender, but decided not to. She doesn't want to change her body. It's weird, you know, cause' she's a girl in a boy's body, and someone like her would want to, but this body is hers. It's the body she had since birth.

Her body is part of who she is now, and she doesn't want to change it.

And... maybe, she is afraid of doing the surgery. And she isn't the only one. To undergo changes to such a degree... it isn't going to be painless. There are side effects to consider. If she ends up regretting her decision, she'll live her life bitter and miserable.

The others may not feel the same way, but hey, people don't share the same opinions all the time. She respects that. But she is going to stay in the body she is born with.

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