Déjà vu

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Cole was a strange kid. It all started on one Halloween night... Cole's memory ended halfway through the night. After the haunted house tour, his memory was really fuzzy, and he had weird dreams that he remembered better than his own life. Months of his life was messed up, but he did remember role playing with some friends of his and his older brother Hunter. He even kept journals of the whole thing and for whatever reason he couldn't throw them out.

This was years ago though, after that his life was normal until.... He met this weird girl, she said her name was Mira and she said she knew him, but he couldn't remember her. She was really pretty too, how could he forget her? The weirdest thing was her name... Mira was the name he gave an OC in his role play, short for Miracle. That was a few weeks ago and after he felt like something was wrong. His insides felt broken, and he noticed fuzzy memories that he didn't see before.

He also had weird dreams, like standing on a red road with a lot of strange people and running as a mountain lion. Other things too, like fighting monsters made of dirt or evil giant math teachers, and a dragon made of steel. He fought a big snake and a full army with ghosts. He had a really disturbing dream come up often, he was fighting a large demon and he had weird powers, he had a sword that looked magic. He won every time the same way as well, as if it was an old long forgotten memory... He hurt a lot of people too. He... he killed someone; the worst part was that he didn't feel bad about it.

Cole woke in a cold sweat and sighed "Oh not again... I know it's only been a few weeks of those dreams but still..." He looked around his dorm. He just turned 18, he had gotten to college early, so he was a year behind Hunter. Should I tell Hunter about the dreams? Nah he would only make fun of him. He got dressed quickly before realizing that he didn't have school for a couple weeks. "I guess I could visit mom and dad... Hunter could come too." Cole grabbed his phone to text Hunter. The conversation went like this...


Cole                                                                                  Hunter

Hey Hunter?

                                                                       whats up little bro?

Want to visit mom and dad this week?

                                                                 mk sounds good to me

See you outside in.... 10 mins?

                                                               wait we're going now?!


                                                                                             ok see u


Cole took a deep breath and packed his bags. When he was finished, he had 8 minutes to get to his meeting place with Hunter. Although knowing Hunter, he would be 10 minutes late. So, Cole sat on his bed and thought about his dream. You know for a dream it sure is clear in my mind. He thought about the power and what it felt like using it. It feels warm in my core... wait his core?! Wasn't that where the broken feeling came from? He focused on the broken feeling, it felt like something deep in his core was waking up from a long nap and stretching. He could sense something like a lump of coal in his core. That is super weird in every way...

All of a sudden, the coal lump started to glow a bit like it was on fire in one spot. Cole fanned the flames mentally and it looked like it was working. The coal lump was burning brilliantly now. Woah... He looked at his hands and they were glowing a bit "What the hell..." his voice trailed off as he got a vision came to his mind. He was in the ghost land and was sitting on a horse, He raised his hands and the door turned to dust. The vision ended and Cole thought for a second Can I do that? He shook the thought from his head and got up. "Hunter will be waiting for me." He walked out the door to go out to meet Hunter. 

Dude this is old.... I'm sorry but are you as desperate as me for stuff for this fandom? have a lovely day!

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