A Magic Show Perhaps?

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TW: Speak of child hood trauma, speak of slavery, speak of child abuse

 The morning after the Sambrian Festival Tara woke up alone. Well not quite alone, she could hear Irina talking to someone outside. The only thing Tara really processed is that they were allowed to stay in the purple gray cabin, which was good she guessed. Tara rubbed at her eyes and pushed herself up in the small bed they had stayed in. The festival was she supposed, the sweet bread was great and she had never danced so much in her life.

But she was worried about Luis, she was worried about Irina too. The whole three years Tara had known her girlfriend Irina never wanted to go to a festival. She hated new people and going outside, she wasn't all that big on showing affection with hugs or kisses. Of course it's not like Tara had much of a problem with it but it was still odd, worrying yes, but mainly just odd. I didn't seem like they were in danger despite the fact they were in the middle of an alleged cult.

There was some guy who followed Irina everywhere, even now he was with her outside. It was weird but Irina didn't seem to have a problem with it, Tara was pretty sure his name was Jason. Irina walked in holding some clothes, she was alone which was a very welcome sight. Tara was handed a pair of jean shorts and t-shirt the same color as the cabin they were in, on it was a picture of a skull with a sword going through it. It was in white, surrounded by a thin wreath, at the bottom was the word 'Necronum' printed in cursive letters.

Once changed, Irina, who was in the same clothes as Tara, led her out of the cabin. In the clearing there were people in similar clothes, the only difference were the shirts. There were some with yellow shirts, in white was a scorpion creature on clouds in the wreath, its word was 'Sambria'. Another was red with a dragon with a ball of light in its mouth, its word was 'Zeropolis'. There was a kid sitting on a bench twirling yellow lights between his fingers, he had a green shirt and it had an eye and light symbols on it, it read 'Elloweer'.

All of a sudden a portal opened and out came two girls, one had a deep blue shirt with a diamond shaped portal over the word 'Creon. The other girl had a lavender shirt, she had star patterns on her shirt and the word below was 'Specialized'. Irina led her to a spot by a river where no one else was, she sat down and Tara followed suit. Rina took a deep breath, "I told you I would explain, so I'm going to explain."

Tara nodded urging her to continue, she was sure that Irina's story wouldn't be that odd. Oh how she was wrong, so very wrong. Irina explained how when she was four she had been playing in her backyard in Russia, and she saw a portal open. She called it a wayport, but she walked through it, and in doing so went right into a Creonian shaper. Irina got scared and tried to run back to the wayport, only to see it had closed behind her and she fell into a river.

She was swept down the river until someone pulled her out, she told them how she was scared and lost. However they only cared that her wrist didn't bear a mark, which meant that the slavers had found an easy mark. They marked her as a slave and carted her to the junction, they found out that she had walked into the Outskirts from Earth willingly. When she was tested she was found to have powerful Necronumian weaving potential. She was taught to read, write and serve to raise her price, then they sold her to a temple in Necronum when she was six.

When she was twelve a small boy like her was brought to the temple, only he had been forced into the Outskirts from New York. He was six years old and didn't even remember his own name thanks to a head injury he got during the kidnapping. So Irina adopted him and named him Jason. She taught him to read and write, she helped him avoid trouble and took the fall when he messed up. When she was sixteen and Jason was ten they heard of a group of kids who had escaped their slavers and killed a monster in Sambria.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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