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Cole shook his head, "No, not yet at least." Jenna stared at him, "What do you mean not yet! He's an adult and we are very clearly not! What are we supposed to do alone?" Dalton smiled at her "Well I don't remember seeing adults destroy Nazeem! We'll be fine, we need to make a base camp though." Cole thought about that, a camp was actually a good idea, they're powers worked differently here than they did in the Outskirts. They showed physically and they worked like they were in their original kingdom, so a place where they could practice in secret was a good idea. Also a place where they could hide if anyone saw them.

Cole nodded in agreement, " Daltons right, and I have a perfect place for it! Meet me back here with a tent and a sleeping bag for yourself, and if you can get some food too that would be great." Jenna looked at Dalton as if silently asking him, Are you sure we should be listening to this idiot? And Dalton shrugged and walked off to his house. Jenna followed his example, and Cole smiled as he copied them, a camp, this is going to be so cool! When he got to his house he managed to avoid his parents seeing him and Hunter was on a call with his friends. When Cole got back to the table Dalton was waiting for him, Jenna ran over not long after. " So where are we going?" Jenna asked.

" You'll see!" Cole replied, he led them to an area in the middle of the park, it had four trees and three full walls of thorn in between the trees. It had a creek running through it in the back and it had plenty of room for a camp. The fourth wall was only on the sides making a doorway, the walls had to be at least ten feet tall. Cole turned to Dalton, " Hey Dalt, can you make the illusion of more thorns in that doorway?" Dalton nodded and closed his eyes, a wall of thorn closed over the doorway, on the sides of where the door should be was a single dandelion on each side. Cole walked through the wall into the clearing and began working on his tents, ( He had brought an extra one for camp storage.) When he was done he turned to see Dalton had finished his tent and was helping Jenna. Cole walked over just as they finished, " Hey if you brought food, put it in that small tent over there."

Cole pointed to the storage tent, Jenna shrugged and dragged a large bag over to the tent. He turned to Dalton, " I need you to be in charge of keeping camp safe." Dalton choked on air, "What?! Why me, why not Jenna?" Cole raised an eyebrow, "Aren't you the one who made the illusion?" Dalton nodded, heat rising on his face "Oh yeah, What's Jenna's job?" Cole snorted, "What do you think? Whatever Jenna wants." Dalton's laugh was cut short by Jenna's "Damn right." Cole nearly jumped out of his skin, and Dalton doubled over laughing. Jenna walked over, " How about this for a job, I want to be in charge of getting the campers. You know the other people from the Outskirts." Cole nodded, this was a good idea, " and I have everything else?"

Jenna nodded and giggled, "It's your camp after all!" Cole shrugged and brought up the next subject, "So who has the first watch? We want the camp to be safe and all." Dalton raised his hand and walked out of the camp to sit at a picnic table close by, he created a dog tied to the table, the dog barked at anyone who walked by, otherwise it just sat there. Dalton eventually fell asleep around nightfall, that is until the dog went off.

Dalton's head shot in the air and whipped around to see a familiar face, "Blake?" Blake waved but his eyes stayed on the dog, wondering if it might break free and come after him. "Oh yeah sorry about that." Dalton waved his hand over the dog and it stopped barking and sat down, his eyes glowing a soft gold. Blake's eyes widened, "How did you do that... and why are your eyes glowing?" Dalton froze then cursed at himself, he had forgotten that. Dalton stood up and nodded to the dog, it continued its watch but ignored the two boys. Blake watched Dalton ready to run if needed.

The shorter boy watched him with tired eyes, the glow fading, he sighed and pointed to the thorn wall next to them. "Walk through it." Blake's eyes widened more, then they narrowed " And if I don't?" Dalton hid his hand behind his back then pulled it back into view, except now it had a large snake wrapped around it. Blake reached for the wall and pricked his finger on it, blood flowed from the wound, " No in-between the flowers." Dalton pointed to two flowers, the snake hissed, Blake walked through the wall. His eyes were wider than the full moon above, looked around the camp a sigh from behind him left him startled as he whipped around to see Dalton rubbing his eyes, the snake gone.

"Everyone's gone to sleep already, I guess you can stay in my tent if you want. We'll figure you out in the morning." Blakes heart stopped, who else was in this camp? What would they do to him? Why couldn't he leave? Why didn't he want to leave? "Which tent is yours?" is the only question he asked, he was tired and he assumed that in the morning those questions would be answered. Dalton pointed at the green tent, next to it was a gray tent and next to that was a purplish-gray tent, then over to the side was white tent that looked like only a five year old could fit in.

Blake walked slowly to the green tent, he opened the door of the tent and inside there was a suitcase, a green sleeping bag, and over in the corner was a small clear bin with five or six journals in it. Blake lay on the sleeping bag until he fell asleep, the last thought he had before fading into sleep was only one terrifying question.

What are they going to do to me?

Hello I hope you liked this chapter!! I enjoyed writing it that's for sure! Have a lovely day! <3

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